Third International Workshop on Gamification in Information Retrieval (GamifIR'16)

The 3rd Gamification in Information Retrieval (GamifIR 2016) Workshop, hosted at SIGIR 2016, started off with a highly insightful and timely keynote by Sebastian Deterding. Sebastian is a senior research fellow at the Digital Creativity Labs at the University of York, a founder and principal designer of the design agency coding conduct, a founder of… Continue reading Third International Workshop on Gamification in Information Retrieval (GamifIR'16)

News Information Retrieval is calling!

News is generating renewed interest in IR prompted by the recent seismic shifts in the global newspaper industry and the changes in audience habits to consume news [1]. While printed news still makes up the better part of the global newspaper revenues, digital news is a fast growing contributor, especially in North America and Europe.

Workshop Review: GamifIR 2014

The 1st Gamification in Information Retrieval (GamifIR) workshop was held at ECIR 2014 on April 13 in Amsterdam. The workshop focused on the challenges and opportunities that gamification may present for the information retrieval (IR) community. Gamification, which is the application of game elements and mechanics in non-gaming environments with the aim to increase user… Continue reading Workshop Review: GamifIR 2014