
Welcome to the autumn edition of Informer! For those of you who don’t know, Informer is the newsroom of the Information Retrieval Specialist Group (IRSG) of the British Computer Society. We spare no effort in getting the hottest pieces of (IRSG) news, getting the best contributors and compiling  the most up-to-date list of IR-related events.… Continue reading Editorial

Mining search logs for usage patterns (pt 2)

In a previous post I discussed some initial investigations into the use of unsupervised learning techniques (i.e. clustering) to identify usage patterns in web search logs. As you may recall, we had some initial success in finding interesting patterns of user behaviour in the AOL log, but when we tried to extend this and replicate… Continue reading Mining search logs for usage patterns (pt 2)

Applied Research at the Knowledge Discovery research area of the Know-Center in Graz

The Know-Center is Austria’s leading research centre for data-driven business and big data analytics, with the purpose to bridge the gap between industry and academia. Therefore, the state-of-the-art in science is applied to problem setting within the industry to stir innovation, and to actively research in areas not being covered currently by the research community.

Music Information Retrieval at JKU Linz

The Department of Computational Perception at the Johannes Kepler University Linz was founded in October 2004, with the appointment of Prof. Gerhard Widmer. Its mission is to develop computational models and algorithms that permit computers to perceive and “understand” aspects of the external world, where we interpret “perception” in the widest sense of the word,… Continue reading Music Information Retrieval at JKU Linz

Book Review: Graph-Based Clustering and Data Visualization Algorithms

Graph-Based Clustering and Data Visualization Algorithms: A review by  Song Chen ISBN: 978-1-4471-5157-9 (Print) –  978-1-4471-5158-6 (Online) The book, authored by Ágnes Vathy-Fogarassy and Janos Abonyi presents the topic of graph-based clustering and presents several algorithms. Besides introducing several related methods in representing and clustering a network, the authors also proposed a novel clustering algorithm to… Continue reading Book Review: Graph-Based Clustering and Data Visualization Algorithms

Events Autumn 2014

One day events Search Solutions 2014. Our annual one day practioner focused event, with a tutorial day. 26, 27 November 2014. https://irsg.bcs.org/SearchSolutions/2014/sse2014.php