
Welcome to a new edition of Informer! Ever wondered how to best get from London to Aberdeen? On a sleeper train! If you are confident enough that your paper gets accepted at ECIR 2017, then why not book early (to avoid disappointment) as it is now official that ECIR 2017 will be hosted by the… Continue reading Editorial

News Information Retrieval is calling!

News is generating renewed interest in IR prompted by the recent seismic shifts in the global newspaper industry and the changes in audience habits to consume news [1]. While printed news still makes up the better part of the global newspaper revenues, digital news is a fast growing contributor, especially in North America and Europe.

Detecting adverse-drug effects in natural language using limited training data

A large amount of information is provided in text documents but difficult to access for computer programs. In order to detect complex information it is often important to understand the relationships between words and entities in sentences. A relation can express for instance that a disease has a particular finding or a that a drug… Continue reading Detecting adverse-drug effects in natural language using limited training data

Search strategies considered harmful

Over the last few months I’ve been looking in detail at the process of search strategy formulation, i.e. the various ways in which professionals go about solving the problem of resolving complex information needs. Some professions (e.g. recruitment professionals) employ complex search queries to address sourcing needs, generating queries such as this:

Introduction to the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group

The Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group (IRMG) was formed in 2004.  Its remit is to provide advice to Cochrane on information retrieval policy and practice, to provide training and support, to conduct empirical research (including systematic reviews) into information retrieval methods, to help monitor the quality of searching techniques employed in systematic reviews and to serve… Continue reading Introduction to the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group

Events Autumn 2015

One Day Events Search Solutions 2015: The groups annual practitioner based meeting, with an associated tutorial day. https://irsg.bcs.org/SearchSolutions/2015/sse2015.php. 25-26 November 2015, BCS Offices Covent Garden.