
Welcome back! Now that the summer has finally disappeared and rain is replaced by darkness, we would like to keep you posted on what’s been going on in the world of search. We are a little earlier this time with our Autumn issue of Informer as we want to make sure you hit two important deadlines.… Continue reading Editorial

Search Solutions 2017: final programme

SEARCH SOLUTIONS 2017 Wednesday 29th November BCS London HQ, Covent Garden *** Early Bird Registration ends October 31st*** Search Solutions is the premier UK forum for presentation of the latest innovations in search and information retrieval. In contrast to other major industry events, Search Solutions aims to be highly interactive, with attendance strictly limited. The… Continue reading Search Solutions 2017: final programme

SIGIR 2017: Typhoon, Earthquake, and Godzillas

The International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) was held in the land of rising sun for its 40th meeting. The conference was hosted at Keio Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo and ran from Monday the 7th until Friday the11th of August. Keio Plaza is a 47-story building located in the… Continue reading SIGIR 2017: Typhoon, Earthquake, and Godzillas

Events – autumn 2017

One Day Events Search Solutions 2017. The annual practioner focused event for the IRSG held at the BCS offices in Covent Garden, together with a tutorial day on 28 November 2017, with the main event on 29th November 2017. https://irsg.bcs.org/SearchSolutions/2017/sse2017.php Conferences/Workshops ISM2017: 19th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. Of interest to members working in the… Continue reading Events – autumn 2017