
Welcome back! It’s April and another ECIR has just passed, one full of workshops. tutorials, wine tastings, schnitzel, excellent keynote talks, more schnitzel, more great talks. We will bring you the latest ECIR news in this edition of Informer (among many other things).

Dynamic Information Retrieval Modeling

Change is at the heart of a modern Information Retrieval system.  Advances in IR interface, personalization and ad display demand models that can intelligently react to users and their context in real time. Many of the current problems in IR research can be attributed to dynamic systems, for instance, in session search or recommender systems. The… Continue reading Dynamic Information Retrieval Modeling

Understanding professional use of complex search strategies

Do you find yourself at work staring at a jumble of text like this: ((((curtiss) NOT (curtis))) OR (((curtiss-* OR ~Curtiss-Wright* OR curtiss NEAR/1 wright*) AND ((model* OR monoplane*) NOT (prototype*))))) If you are, we suspect you’re writing a complex query as part of a sophisticated search strategy and we would like to find out… Continue reading Understanding professional use of complex search strategies

Conference Review: ECIR 2015

This year’s ECIR conference took place in Austria’s majestic, imperial capital city of Vienna. Hosted by the Information and Software Engineering Group at the Technische Universität Wien (the Vienna University of Technology), the conference ran from Sunday the 29th of March until Thursday the 2nd of April. The University itself (and consequently the recommended hotels)… Continue reading Conference Review: ECIR 2015

ECIR 2015 Industry Day

The ECIR Industry Day in 2015 in Vienna followed a new format. Past ECIR Industry Days have generally followed the format of a number of talks, mainly from search majors, in parallel with the final day of the main conference. This year the Industry Day was run after the main conference with the focus being… Continue reading ECIR 2015 Industry Day

Events Spring 2015

Conferences/Workshops ICAES15: Third International Workshop on Intelligent Context-Aware Enterprise Systems. Of interest to members working in the area of context and search.13-16 May 2015. Gwangju, South Korea,  https://sites.google.com/site/icaes15/ WWW 2015: 24th International World Wide Web Conference. The major web conference with themes on search. 18-22 May 2015, Florence, Italy.  http://www.www2015.it/