
Welcome back! It’s April and another ECIR has just passed, one full of workshops. tutorials, wine tastings, schnitzel, excellent keynote talks, more schnitzel, more great talks. We will bring you the latest ECIR news in this edition of Informer (among many other things).

Welcome to Vienna!

We will start however with an article by Marc Sloan that looks at the changing face of IR with static IR having evolved into interactive IR and now dynamic IR becoming the focus of attention. Read all about it in his feature article.

We have two reports from ECIR 2015. Morgan Harvey kicks off with an overview of the conference and John Tait looks specifically at ECIR Industry Day that followed the main conference (and which had a very different format this year).

If you are a practitioner and are working with complex search strategies, then Jon Chamberlain would like to hear from you! Read about it in his short piece on understanding professional use of complex search strategies.

Andy has, as always, compiled a comprehensive list of highly relevant upcoming IR events. Who knows how he does it but it never seems to take him more than five minutes to do so.

Enjoy the summer! And if you fancy organising ECIR 2017, then look out for the call for bids in late May or drop us an email.