Meeting in a time of lock-down – ISKO UK’s experience

Many of us have been adapting to life in lock-down, including groups such as ISKO UK, which I have the honour of chairing.  We are a small, specialist and very active group that promotes the science of knowledge organization.  As part of an international network of societies, the UK chapter is particularly interested in the… Continue reading Meeting in a time of lock-down – ISKO UK’s experience

Profile: Glasgow Information Retrieval Group

The Glasgow Information Retrieval Group within the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow was founded 32 years ago in 1986 by Professor C. J. ‘Keith’ van Rijsbergen, often considered one of the founders of modern Information Retrieval (IR). From its outset, the Glasgow IR group has focused on improving the effectiveness of… Continue reading Profile: Glasgow Information Retrieval Group

Applied Research at the Knowledge Discovery research area of the Know-Center in Graz

The Know-Center is Austria’s leading research centre for data-driven business and big data analytics, with the purpose to bridge the gap between industry and academia. Therefore, the state-of-the-art in science is applied to problem setting within the industry to stir innovation, and to actively research in areas not being covered currently by the research community.

Music Information Retrieval at JKU Linz

The Department of Computational Perception at the Johannes Kepler University Linz was founded in October 2004, with the appointment of Prof. Gerhard Widmer. Its mission is to develop computational models and algorithms that permit computers to perceive and “understand” aspects of the external world, where we interpret “perception” in the widest sense of the word,… Continue reading Music Information Retrieval at JKU Linz

Information Retrieval Group, University of Duisburg-Essen

(This article was co-authored with  Sascha Kriewel, University of Duisburg-Essen.) The Information Retrieval group at the University of Duisburg-Essen is part of the Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science Department in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The department provides degree programmes in Applied Computer Science as well as in Applied… Continue reading Information Retrieval Group, University of Duisburg-Essen

Applied research at the Competence Center Information Retrieval and Machine Learning of DAI Laboratory, TU Berlin

The Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) Laboratory at Technische Universität Berlin, headed by Prof. Dr. Sahin Albayrak, works on providing solutions for a new generation of systems and services to support our everyday life, coined as  “smart services and smart systems”. The institute currently employs over 100 researchers, post-docs, graduate students, and support staff. The main… Continue reading Applied research at the Competence Center Information Retrieval and Machine Learning of DAI Laboratory, TU Berlin

Made in Germany – Information Retrieval Research in Regensburg

These are heady times for the German IR community. Norbert Fuhr’s recent winning of the Salton Prize not only rewarded a fantastic and long-term individual contribution to the field, but has also served to shed light on the whole IR scene in Germany – a fact underlined by this “Made in Germany” series. There are… Continue reading Made in Germany – Information Retrieval Research in Regensburg