In this issue

The 2023 AGM will take place on the evening of the Tutorial Day (21 November) at Search Solutions. There are a number of vacancies on the Committee going forward into 2024 and IRSG Chairman Udo Kruschwitz encourages candidates to contribute to the development of IRSG over the year ahead.

Search Solutions 2023 takes place in the BCS London HQ on 21 and 22 November. The Tutorial Day is 21 November and there are currently two tutorials. The Conference Day is 22 November and the programme has now been finalized. The overall theme is how to manage the convergence of information retrieval, search and AI technology.

The European Conference on Information Retrieval takes place in Glasgow on 24-28 March – do read about the exciting plans for the Conference. The most prestigious Award of the IRSG is the Karen Spärck Jones Award. Now is the time to nominate candidates for this Award. The winner is invited to give a presentation at ECIR 2024

There is an initial announcement of Search Insights 2024, a conference developed for IRSG by The Search Network. The programme will be announced at SS2023.

This is my final issue as Editor of Informer. My career in search dates back to the late 1970s.  I’ve taken the opportunity to consider what I feel was the first search revolution with the use of minicomputers for information retrieval inside organisations. 1978 was also the year in which the Information Retrieval Specialist Group was established. As always Andy MacFarlane has contributed a list of forthcoming conferences. This is also Andy’s final Events contribution and I thank him for the diligence of his work and for always meeting the issue deadline.

Martin White

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