
Welcome to a new edition of Informer! It’s Spring 2017 and you are reading the official newsletter of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group. What an honour to have YOU as our readership. Let’s jump straight in: we did introduce an important change this time. We 

ECIR 2017 conference review

For its 39th edition, the European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR) returned, after 20 years, to Aberdeen, Scotland. The conference was organized by the School of Computing Science and Digital Media at Robert Gordon University (RGU) and took place in two separate venues: tutorials and workshops were held at RGU’s Garthdee campus, while the main… Continue reading ECIR 2017 conference review

Book review: Deep Text by Tom Reamy

When I started the London Text Analytics meetup group some seven years ago, ‘text analytics’ was a term used by few, and understood by even fewer. Apart from a handful of enthusiasts and academics (who preferred the label of “natural language processing” anyway), the field was either overlooked or ignored by most people. Even the… Continue reading Book review: Deep Text by Tom Reamy

ECIR 2017 Industry Day Review

The tradition of closing out ECIR with industry day continued for its 11th year in Aberdeen, Scotland.  This year’s event was co-organized and moderated by Udo Kruschwitz and Tony Russell-Rose.  For those who made the trip up north, a potpourri of exciting applications of academic research in IR and NLP was presented, including event detection… Continue reading ECIR 2017 Industry Day Review

Events Spring 2017

One Day Events Search Solutions 2017. The annual practioner focused event for the IRSG held at the BCS offices in Covent Garden, together with a tutorial day on 28 November 2017, with the main event on 29th November 2017. Conferences/Workshops Healthcare’17: 2017 International Conference on Healthcare Science and Engineering. Of interest to members working in… Continue reading Events Spring 2017