Taxonomy Bootcamp London 2019 – conference report

Helen Lippell is a highly experienced UK-based taxonomist and took on the role of Programme Chair for the inaugural event in 2016. There has been a Taxonomy Bootcamp event in the USA for some years but launching the event in the UK (especially with the ‘bootcamp’ label) was a significant commitment for Information Today Inc.… Continue reading Taxonomy Bootcamp London 2019 – conference report

Review of Taxonomy Boot Camp, London, Oct 2016

The first ever Taxonomy Boot Camp (TBC) this side of the Atlantic took place in London on 18th and 19th October 2016 at Kensington Olympia, organized by Information Today Ltd. As I have attended and presented at Taxonomy Boot Camp in the U.S. several times, I was keen to see what the first TBC in… Continue reading Review of Taxonomy Boot Camp, London, Oct 2016