
It is an honour to have been appointed as Editor of Informer in succession to Udo Kruschwitz. The first time I saw a real-time computer-based search service was at 10am on 23 February 1976. If you are wondering how I can be that precise over forty years later the secret is that at the time… Continue reading Editorial

Conference Review – Haystack US 2019 – Relevance Avengers Assemble!

Last year I attended the Haystack search relevance conference in Charlottesville, USA as a guest of our partners OpenSource Connections (OSC). In 2019 we merged my old business Flax with OSC so I returned as one of the conference organisers. Haystack is a conference all about search relevance – making sure that the results your users see fit… Continue reading Conference Review – Haystack US 2019 – Relevance Avengers Assemble!

CHIIR 2019 Student Review

Despite a snowy start to the day, attendees were not deterred from arriving in Glasgow, to break records for the highest number of registrations at the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR), totalling 165 people. As a fairly new PhD student native to Glasgow, I was eagerly excited to attend my… Continue reading CHIIR 2019 Student Review

Events: Spring

One Day Events KidRec 2019: 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems. Of interest to members working on applications targeted Children. One day workshop as part of the IDC 2019 conference 12-15 June. http://idc.acm.org/2019/

And finally..

Editors always like to have the final say. One of the challenges of digital columns is getting people to read to the end. So each issue you will find something a little different at the end of Informer which may inform you, challenge you or amuse you. Let me tell you a story. As you… Continue reading And finally..