Events: Spring

One Day Events

KidRec 2019: 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems. Of interest to members working on applications targeted Children. One day workshop as part of the IDC 2019 conference 12-15 June.

LegalAIIA: 1st International Workshop on AI and Intelligent Assistance for Legal Professionals in the Digital Workplace. Of interest to members working on search problems in the legal domain. Part of the ICAIL 2019 conference. Montreal, Québec, Canada. 17th June 2019.

Search Solutions 2019: The main event will be on 26th November, with the tutorials the day before. A date for your diary!

JCDL 2019: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Of interest to members working in the area search in Digital Libraries. Urbana-Champaign, IL. USA. 2-6 June 2019.

NAACL-HLT 2019: Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. Minneapolis USA, 2-7 June 2019.

PETRA 2019: The 12th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference. Of interest to members working in the area of pervasive search. Rhodes, Greece. 5-7 June 2019.

TVX 2019: ACM TVX 2019 Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video. Of interest to members working in the area of video search and user studies. Manchester’s MediaCityUK. 5-7 June 2019.

ACM UMAP 2019: 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. Of interest to members working on the user side of search, including both personalization and recommendation. Larnaca, Cyprus. 9-12 June 2019.

ICWSM-19: 13th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Of interest to members using AI techniques for search on web 2.0 information. Munich, Germany. 11-14 June 2019.

SMARTCOMP 2019:5th IEEE International conference on Smart Computing. Of interest to members working in the area of ubiquitous computing and search. 12-15 June 2019, Washington DC, USA.

CI 2019: ACM’s Collective Intelligence Conference 2018. A general conference with many themes relevant to search technologies and their evaluation. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. 13-14 June 2019.

Interaction 2019: 20th edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction conference. Of interest to members working on the interaction side of search technologies. Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. 25-28 June 2019.

ETRA 2019: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications. Has a theme on eye tracking for the web, useful for members using eye tracking to evaluate search technologies. in Denver, Colorado, USA. 25-28 June 2019.

AIED’2019: The 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Of interest to members working in the area of applying AI to search in the education domain. Chicago, IL. USA. 25-29 June 2019.

IVA 2019: 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Of interest to members interested in Virtual Agents and search. Paris, France. 2-5 July 2019.

FQAS 2019: 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems. A conference focusing on the query aspect of search technologies. Amantea, Italy. 2-5 July 2019.

iV2019: 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation. Of interest to members working in the area of visualization and search. There are two venues:

IV2019 @ Paris, 2-5 July 2019, University of Paris 13, Paris, France.

IV2019 @ Adelaide, 16-19 July 2019, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

DMSVIVA2019: Twenty Fifth International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages. Of interest to members working in the area of visualization and search. Oriente, Lisbon, Portugal. 8-9 July 2019.

TrustData 2019: 10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data. Of interest to members working in the area of privacy and search. Atlanta, USA. 14-17 July 2019.

ISKO UK 2019: ISKO UKBiennial Conference 2019 – The Human Position in an Artificial World: Creativity, Ethics & AI in Knowledge Organization. Of interest to members working in the area of knowledge organisation, in the context of AI technologies. City, University of London. 15 – 16 July 2019.

SIGIR 2019: 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. The most prominent IR conference internationally. Paris, France. 21-25 July 2019.

Web3D 2019: The 24th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology. Retrieval of 3d Shapes is an interesting problem, which can be addressed in this conference. Los Angeles, USA.  26-28th July 2019.

ACL 2019: The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. Florence, Italy. 28 July – 2 August 2019.

KDD 2019: The 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Of interesting to members working in the area of knowledge discovery and search. Anchorage, Alaska, USA. 4-8 August 2019.

IEEE CBDCom 2019: The 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing. Of interest to members working on big data search problems. Fukuoka, Japan. 5-8 August 2019.

IJCAI-2019: 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. A big AI conference with a number of relevant workshops in the area of IR. Macao, China. 10-16 August 2019.

IoP 2019: The 5th IEEE International Conference on Internet of People. Of interest to members working in the area of pervasive computing and search. Leicester, UK. 19-23 August 2019.

CUI 2019: 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. Of interest to members working on speech interfaces and search. Dublin, Ireland on 22-23 August 2019.

DEXA 2019: 30th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications. A database conference which includes several themes on search including TIR’19 – 16th International Workshop on Technologies for Information Retrieval. Linz, Austria. 26-29 August 2019.

EPIA’2019: 18th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Includes a number of themes including a track TEMA’19: Text Mining and Applications of interest to members. Vila Real, Portugal. 3-6 September 2019.

CBMI 2019: International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. Of Interest to members working in the area of multimedia search. Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 Sept 2019.

CLEF 2019: An IR evaluation competition and workshop. Lugano, Switzerland – September 9-12, 2019

TPDL 2018: 23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. Of interest to members working in the area of Digital Libraries and search. Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway. 9-12 September 2019.

ACM RecSys 2019: 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Of interest to members working in the area of recommendations and personalisation in search. Copenhagen, Denmark. 16-20 September 2019.

HI’19: ACM Hypertext – Tear Down the Wall. Of interest to members working on problems such as browsing etc. Hof, Germany. 17-20 September 2019.

WEBIST 2019: 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. Of interest to members working in the area of web search. Vienna, Austria. 18-20 September 2019.

I3E 2019: The 18th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society. On interest to members working in the area of E-Commerce and search. Trondheim, Norway. 18-20 September 2019.

BreMM19: The 4th Bremen Conference on Multimodality. Multimodality and search is a potential interest for the IRSG community. Bremen University, Germany. 25-27 September 2019.

LWDA 2019: Information Retrieval Workshp – 2019 GI Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. The German Computing Society workshop on IR. Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. 30 September – 2 October 2019.

MOBILEHCI 2019: 21th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. Of interest to members working in the area of mobile search. Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan. 1–4 October 2019.

ICTIR 2019: The 5th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. A conference focusing on the theory side or search. Santa Clara, California, USA. 2-5 October 2019.

SISAP 2019: 12th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications. A conference with many themes of interest, particularly ranking functions. Newark NJ, USA. 2 – 4 October 2019.

TTO 2019: First Conference on Truth and Trust Online. Of interest to members looking to improve the repudiation of search systems in terms of trust and reliability. London, UK. 4-5 October 2019.

CDVE2019: The 16th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering. Of interest to members working in the area of visualization and search. Mallorca, Spain. 6-9 October 2019.

HAI 2019: The 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. Of interest to members working in the area of agent technologies and search/filtering. Kyoto, Japan — 6-10, October 2019.

SLSP 2019: 7th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech processing. Of interest to members working in the area of audio search. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 14-16 October 2019.

ACM Multimedia 2019: 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. Of interest to members working in the area of multimedia and search. Nice, France. 21-25 October 2019.

SNAMS-2019: The 6th IEEE* International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security. Of interest to members working in the area of social search. Granada, Spain. October 22-25, 2019.

ISWC 2019: 18th International Semantic Web Conference. Of interest to members working with knowledge organisation schemes to support search technologies. Auckland, New Zealand, 26-30 October 2019.

ASSETS 2019: The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Of interest to members working in the area of accessibility and search. Pittsburgh, PA. 28–30 October 2019.

EDOC 2019: 23rd Enterprise Computing Conference. Of interest to members working in the area of enterprise search. Paris, France. 28-31 October 2019.

EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019: 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. Hong Kong, China. 3-7 November 2019.

ISMIR 2019: 20th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Of interest to members working on music IR problems. Delft, The Netherlands. 4-8 November 2019.

International Forum 2019: Crossroads of Sciences on Knowledge, Information & Data – Joint A-LIEP 2019 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice and ICADL 2019

International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries conference. A joint conference with many themes in search. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 4-7 November 2019.

AIRS 2019: The 15th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference. An Asian focused IR conference. Hong Kong, China. 7-9 November 2019.

COLLNET2019: 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics. A conference with many themes of interest to members. Dalian, China, November 5-8, 2019.
Clic-it 2019: Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics. Of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. Bari, Italy. 13-15 November 2019.

DPH 2019: 9th International Digital Public Health Conference. Of interest to members working in various aspect of heath including systematic reviews. Marseille Chanot, Palais des Congrès et des Expositions, Marseille, France. 20 – 23 November 2019.

FIRE 2019: 11th meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation. A conference with a focus on evaluation and the problems which surround such an activity. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. 12th – 15th December 2019.

Summer and Autumn Schools

ProbAI: Nordic Probabilistic AI School. Has a focus on machine learning and AI, useful for members using those technologies to support search. Trondheim, Norway. 3-7 June 2019.

SC-Camp 2019: 10th International SuperComputing Camp 2019. Of interest to members working on big IR problems which require high performance computing. CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain. 10-14 June 2019.

Madrid UPM Advanced Statistics and Data Mining summer school. A summer school consisting of 12 courses, of interest to members working on AI technologies and search. 24 June – 5 July 2019. Boadilla del Monte, Spain.

ISWS 2019: The International Semantic Web Research Summer School. Of interest to members working in the area of semantic search. Bertinoro, near Bologna, Italy. 30 June – 7 July July, 2019.

ASSIA 2019: 4th Asian Summer School in Information Access. An east Asian summer school in IR. Haikou, China. 9-13 July 2019.

LxMLS 2019 – 9th Lisbon Machine Learning School. Has a focus on machine learning, useful for members using those technologies to support search. Lisbon Portugal. 11 – 18 July 2019.

ESSIR 2019: 12th European Summer School in Information retrieval. A long standing and well regarded summer school in IR. Also includes FDIA 2019: 9th PhD symposium on Future Directions in Information Access. Milan, Italy. 15-19th July 2019.

DeepLearn 2019: 3rd International Summer School on Deep Learning. Has a focus on machine learning, useful for members using those technologies to support search. Warsaw, Poland. 22-26 July 2019.

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