
Happy New Year and welcome to a new edition of Informer! This time we offer you a special edition, a Conference Reviews Edition. Nothing but conference reviews, how does that sound? Well, let us know and we will listen …

Conference Review: Search Solutions 2014

Search Solutions 2014 took place on November 27th at the BCS headquarters in Covent Garden. The event attracted a slightly larger crowd than in recent years. In fact, Search Solutions 2014 was completely booked out this year with 80 attendees from a wide range of different companies, research labs and universities. As in previous years, the… Continue reading Conference Review: Search Solutions 2014

Conference Review: IRFC’2014 and 3rd Open Interdisciplinary MUMIA Conference

The 3rd Open Interdisciplinary MUMIA Conference and 7th Information Retrieval Facility Conference (IRFC’2014) was held at Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark on 11-12 November 2014. The conference is a continuation of the symposia and conferences of the former Information Retrieval Facility and has since 2012 been co-organised with the IC1002 MUMIA COST action on Multilingual and… Continue reading Conference Review: IRFC’2014 and 3rd Open Interdisciplinary MUMIA Conference

Conference Review: Digital Libraries 2014

The joint conference on Digital Libraries 2014 – ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014) and the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries Conference(TPDL 2014). The conference was held between 8th and 12th September 2014 at Milton Court in the Barbican Centre (main conference) and City University London (tutorials, workshops and doctorial consortium).  We… Continue reading Conference Review: Digital Libraries 2014

Conference Review: Information Foraging and Retrieval Autumn School

Following the tradition of past successful Information Foraging Summer Schools and the German Information Retrieval Autumn School, the Autumn School 2014 for Information Foraging and Retrieval took place from September 21-26, 2014, at Schloss Dagstuhl in Germany. It was co-organized by the German Information Retrieval Specialist Group and Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The… Continue reading Conference Review: Information Foraging and Retrieval Autumn School

Events Winter 2015

Conferences/Workshops IKDD CODS 2015: ACM India SIGKDD Conference on Data Sciences. A general conference on big data of interest to members working in the area of big data and search. 18-21 March 2015, Bangalore, India. http://ikdd.acm.org/Site/CoDS2015/ iConference 2015. The iSchools conference of with themes on many aspects of IR.  24-27 March 2015, Newport Beach, CA… Continue reading Events Winter 2015