Funnelback and Me: Celebrating 30 Years of Funnelback Technology 1991-2021 – Book review

I expect that most readers of Informer will have read the 2011 edition of Modern Information Retrieval edited by Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier Riberio-Neto. It runs to almost 900 pages. Chapter 15 is a brilliant essay by David Hawking which sums up everything you should know about enterprise search in 40 pages. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research… Continue reading Funnelback and Me: Celebrating 30 Years of Funnelback Technology 1991-2021 – Book review

Search Solutions 2022 London 23/24 November

Search Solutions 2022 returns to being on on-site conference this year at the BCS HQ in London (25 Copthall Avenue London, EC2R 7BP) though there could be some remote contributions from speakers facing challenges of predictable flight schedules and sensible fares. The Conference will be held on Thursday 24 November, with a day of Tutorials… Continue reading Search Solutions 2022 London 23/24 November

Events Summer 2022

Note from compiler Andy Macfarlane –  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic some events have been cancelled, postponed or will be run virtually. We have provided information on each of the events with the current status at the time of writing. Please check the URL of the event for further details.