
Open for Business: IRSG to welcome new Committee Members

Welcome back! Now that the summer has finally disappeared and rain is replaced by darkness, we would like to keep you posted on what’s been going on in the world of search. We are a little earlier this time with our Autumn issue of Informer as we want to make sure you hit two important deadlines. Or should we first tell you where ECIR 2019 will be held? No, let’s look at two key dates you need to know.  The first one is 30th of October. This is your chance to put your name forward as a candidate to join the IRSG committee. This year there are three vacancies for elected members, and here I quote from the announcement that had been sent out by our secretary:

“Nominations should have the written support of a nominator and seconder, and the written confirmation of the person nominated that they wish to stand. The person standing, the nominator and seconder should all be members of the group. Nominations should include a brief biography (one paragraph), a brief statement of why they wish to stand (one paragraph). Only members of the British Computer Society may vote in the election. Nominations should be received by the Secretary of the Group, John Tait, john@johntait.net, by email, by 17:00 (UK) on Monday 30 October 2017, who will also be happy to answer any requests for further information.”

If you would like to help shape the community and make your own mark, then please join in and put your name forward!

The second important date is just two days later, it’s the closing day for nominations to enter the BCS Search Industry Awards 2017. This is the second time we run these and if you read Tony’s piece on this, you will learn all about it and find links to last year’s winners.

Not that I would like to apply any unnecessary pressure, but speaking of deadlines, the deadline for early bird registration to attend our annual Search Solutions conference in London happens to be the 31st of October. The detailed programme of the day has just come in, it is hot off the press and has not been advertised anywhere else yet! Crazy.

Let’s take stock. You have come here to read up on the latest news in search, but instead we send you away with a bag full of homework. However, we are not quite done yet. We also have a gem for you. Mohammad, our special correspondent, has written up his account of SIGIR 2017 in Tokyo. And what a great story that is. If you would like to have more articles by Mohammad in future issues of Informer, then please let us know and we recruit him again. Promised!

Finally, Andy has complied a comprehensive list of search-related events. It’s a regular feature and everyone takes it for granted but it does take a lot of time. I suggest we give him a round of applause this time round. Thanks, Andy.

Enjoy what’s left of the autumn!

P.S.: Regarding ECIR 2019, the bids have been assessed but the chosen host has not been announced yet. Stay tuned and presumably it will just be a matter of days until we know more.


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