Call for Nominations: IRSG Committee

The British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group seeks nominations from members of the group to serve on the committee for a two year term from November 2017.

The committee oversees the work of the officers of the group and takes decisions on a number of important matters including the location of ECIR, allocating funds for student travel support, organising other meetings and conferences including Search Solutions, running the Karen Sparck Jones award and a number of other activities.

The committee normally meets four times per year, usually in London, with most members attending via Teleconference.

This year there are three vacancies for elected members on the committee.

Nominations should have the written support of a nominator and seconder, and the written confirmation of the person nominated that they wish to stand. The person standing, the nominator and seconder should all be members of the group (if you receive this message you are almost certainly eligible).

Nominations should include a brief biography (one paragraph), a brief statement of why they wish to stand (one paragraph).

Only members of the British Computer Society may vote in the election.

Nominations should be received by the Secretary of the Group, John Tait,, by email, by 17:00 (UK) on Monday 30 October 2017, who will also be happy to answer any requests for further information.

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