Conference Review – Haystack US 2019 – Relevance Avengers Assemble!

Last year I attended the Haystack search relevance conference in Charlottesville, USA as a guest of our partners OpenSource Connections (OSC). In 2019 we merged my old business Flax with OSC so I returned as one of the conference organisers. Haystack is a conference all about search relevance – making sure that the results your users see fit… Continue reading Conference Review – Haystack US 2019 – Relevance Avengers Assemble!

Conference Review: Search Solutions 2011

In November I attended the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group’s annual Search Solutions conference, which brings together theoreticians and practitioners to discuss the latest advances in search. This is always a fascinating event, split into several sessions to cover the various aspects of search: web, enterprise and more.