Karen Spärck Jones Award 2021 – Second Call for Nominations

A pioneer of information retrieval, the computer science sub-discipline that also underpins the technology of modern Web search engines, Karen Spärck Jones was a British professor of Computers and Information at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge. Her contributions to the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR), especially with regard to… Continue reading Karen Spärck Jones Award 2021 – Second Call for Nominations

Syria’s First Web Search Engine: An Interview with Shadi Saleh

This interview was conducted by on Saturday, July 13, 2019 (editing for brevity and language jointly by the interviewer and interviewee.) Jochen Leidner: Today, I have on the line Shadi Saleh, co-founder of the first-ever Web search engine in Syria. I met Shadi at ECIR 2019 [the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval] in Cologne,… Continue reading Syria’s First Web Search Engine: An Interview with Shadi Saleh

Advances in Search: Trip Report from ECIR 2019 (Cologne, April 2019)

by Jochen L. Leidner and Ingo Frommholz SIGIR 2019 in Paris in July. This is a report of some of the highlights of ECIR this year with no claims of representativeness. Part I – Impressions and general Trends Search is alive and happy as a field of research.  Both theoretical and applied papers were presented,… Continue reading Advances in Search: Trip Report from ECIR 2019 (Cologne, April 2019)