Book Review: Graph-Based Clustering and Data Visualization Algorithms

Graph-Based Clustering and Data Visualization Algorithms: A review by  Song Chen ISBN: 978-1-4471-5157-9 (Print) –  978-1-4471-5158-6 (Online) The book, authored by Ágnes Vathy-Fogarassy and Janos Abonyi presents the topic of graph-based clustering and presents several algorithms. Besides introducing several related methods in representing and clustering a network, the authors also proposed a novel clustering algorithm to… Continue reading Book Review: Graph-Based Clustering and Data Visualization Algorithms

Book Review : Doing Design Ethnography

Doing Design Ethnograpy by Andrew Crabtree, Mark Rouncefield, Peter Tolmie ISBN 978-1-4471-2725-3 “I think the most important thing in ethnography is simply getting designers sensitive to the issues the the people who use systems confront… (Techies) can do all sorts of wild and wacky and wonderful things. The user is just this vague symbolic presence in… Continue reading Book Review : Doing Design Ethnography

Book Review: Multilingual Information Retrieval – From Research to Practice

Multilingual Information Retrieval – From Research to Practice by Carol Peters, Martin Braschler, Paul Clough ISBN: 978-3-642-23007-3 The fundamental concept of Multilingual Information Retrieval is computer usage aimed at surmounting language boundaries both for information in the WWW and for many other purposes, such as military intelligence or defense, international trading, inventions or international relations between… Continue reading Book Review: Multilingual Information Retrieval – From Research to Practice

Call for Book Reviews

This month we include another Call for Reviews in which we seek reviewers for a number of recently published books that may be of interest to the IR community. . Books will be allocated for review on a first-come-first-served basis and you would have about one month to carry out the review. If you are… Continue reading Call for Book Reviews

Book Review: Search Analytics for Your Site

Search Analytics for Your Site, L. Rosenfeld. ISBN: 1-933820-20-9  (paper)  and  1-933820-04-7 (digital) Financial services company The Vanguard Group had just purchased a shiny new search engine to improve search for their 12,000 employees. There was only one problem: the search results were worse than what they had before. John Ferrara, an information architect who… Continue reading Book Review: Search Analytics for Your Site