Conference Review: Search Solutions 2013

The Search Solutions Conference which took place on 27 November 2013 promoted quality and diversity in the selection of speakers and topics – this quality driven choice of heterogenic elements was morphed into a homogeneous programme covering aspects from user-oriented search to enterprise-related search. The conference provided attendees the abstract layers of dogmatic search topics… Continue reading Conference Review: Search Solutions 2013

Musing on the theory of it all — ICTIR 2013

The 4th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2013) took place from September 29, 2013 to October 2, 2013, in the beautiful Danish capital of Copenhagen hosted by the University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science. As the name suggests this conference is primarily concerned with theoretical aspects of IR, however there… Continue reading Musing on the theory of it all — ICTIR 2013

Conference Review: SIGIR 2013

SIGIR 2013 was hosted by CNGL (Centre for Next Generation Localisation) which is based in Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin. The main conference was held at Trinity College Dublin with plenary sessions held at the mansion house just 100 yards away. The busy five day schedule consisted of three days of main conference… Continue reading Conference Review: SIGIR 2013

13th Dutch-Belgian Workshop on Information Retrieval

The DIR workshop traditionally represents one of the annual highlights for information retrieval researchers in Belgium and the Netherlands. Hosted alternatingly in between the Netherlands and Belgium it serves as a venue for networking, sharing and discussing late-breaking research results as well as promoting recent publications in international key conferences and journals. A special emphasis… Continue reading 13th Dutch-Belgian Workshop on Information Retrieval

Search Solutions 2012

I attended BCS-IRSG’s Search Solutions 2012 event in London on 29th November, having missed it for a couple of years, and was reminded of the usefulness of this event for an academic researcher in the field. The industrial speakers, presenting the challenges and rewards of Applied Information Retrieval, keep us abreast of the expectations and… Continue reading Search Solutions 2012

Enterprise Search Europe 2013

The third Enterprise Search Europe conference will take place in London on 15-16 May 2013, chaired by Martin White of Intranet Focus. BCS-IRSG Members can benefit from 20% discount on delegate places. “This year, the conference will focus on 5 key themes,” said Martin White. “SharePoint, the opportunities and challenges of big data, getting the… Continue reading Enterprise Search Europe 2013

Conference Review: SIGIR 2012

SIGIR 2012 was hosted by Oregon Health & Science University in Portland Oregon. The conference was held at the Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel. While many conference attendees acquired residence at the conference venue, others were dispersed throughout lodgings in the downtown area. The busy five day schedule consisted of three days of main conference proceedings… Continue reading Conference Review: SIGIR 2012

The MUMIA Summer School: “Building Next Generation Search Systems”.

A Summer Training School, entitled “Building next generation search systems”, was organised by the MUMIA (Multi-lingual and Multifaceted Interactive Information Access) Cost Action (, and held from 24th to 28th September 2012 in Chalkidiki, Greece. Twenty one PhD students and early stage researchers attended the training school. A unifying theme around several of the talks… Continue reading The MUMIA Summer School: “Building Next Generation Search Systems”.

Conference Review: ECIR 2012 Industry Day

The annual BCS IRSG European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2012) was held in Barcelona, Spain, this year. The 34th edition of the conference has been organized by Yahoo! Research, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona Media, supported by BCS IRSG and ACM SIGIR. The conference represented a valuable moment for researchers to share their results.… Continue reading Conference Review: ECIR 2012 Industry Day