
Welcome to the autumn edition of Informer! For those of you who don’t know, Informer is the newsroom of the Information Retrieval Specialist Group (IRSG) of the British Computer Society. We spare no effort in getting the hottest pieces of (IRSG) news, getting the best contributors and compiling  the most up-to-date list of IR-related events.… Continue reading Editorial


Another edition of Informer? Are people not still hotly debating the issues we raised in the spring edition? Well, it’s been three months. Time flies when you are getting old(ish). Welcome back! This time it’s a seriously short editorial. Let’s focus on the facts.


Welcome to a new edition of Informer and a very short editorial (just to find out if anybody notices). What do we have to offer this time? First of all we have a number of workshop and conference reviews. March saw the annual iConference leaving America for the first time and what better place to… Continue reading Editorial


“New year, new direction?” asks Tony in his opening piece. Are we going to go back to print editions of Informer? Will we establish a new conference series on Enterprise Search? Are we going to extend our activities to the Outer Hebrides? Well, the short answer is that it’s up to you. We want to… Continue reading Editorial


… and ECIR 2015 will be held in …hold on, let’s first look at past events before we look ahead. This summer was packed with IR-related events. It all started with SIGIR 2013 in Dublin. Dublin seems to be one of THE places for organising conferences right now with ECIR and SIGIR now over and… Continue reading Editorial


Melting motorways and buckled rails? The summer has arrived in England. Welcome to a new edition of Informer. This is a Special Summer Edition in that we kept this issue (and the editorial) as short as possible so that we do not distract you too much from your summer reading. First some updates on what the… Continue reading Editorial


Welcome back! This spring 2013 edition of Informer will bring you a range of fairly different articles, perhaps just the right mix for this time of the year. More about the articles later, let us first have a glimpse at what has been going on in the IR community. SIGIR 2013 is taking shape. Following the… Continue reading Editorial


Fed up with the snow? Tired of writing SIGIR papers?  No exam papers to mark? Then why not take a glass of whisky, sit by the fire and read this new issue of Informer … We have prepared quite a mix of articles this time. We start with an idea that the older readers will remember.… Continue reading Editorial


Welcome to our autumn 2012 edition of Informer! This is the time of the year when we are all looking forward to THE annual highlight, the AGM of the BCS IRSG. And here comes our first request: do come along if you want to have an impact on the group’s activities. Join the committee and… Continue reading Editorial


Welcome to the summer 2012 edition of Informer. Summer? Wasn’t that the time of the year with no rain and plenty of sunshine and cocktails on white beaches? It seems the summer has passed without even saying hello. But wait, most of this summer’s IR action is still to come when SIGIR 2012 kicks off… Continue reading Editorial