Informer redesign plans

We are also planning to change the template of Informer, which apparently dates from 2008. However, this change will almost certainly not take place until the Winter issue in early 2022. The main reason for this is that the Editor is also acting as the Web Migration Manager and as the Conference Convenor for the… Continue reading Informer redesign plans

Thinking about information behaviour – Professor Tom Wilson

Each year the UK Electronic Information Group, a special interest group of CILIP, makes the Farradane Award. The Award honours Jason Farradane, who first made an impact on the LIS community with a paper on the ‘scientific approach to documentation’ presented at a Royal Society Scientific Information Conference in 1948. He was instrumental in establishing… Continue reading Thinking about information behaviour – Professor Tom Wilson

Open source search and OpenSearch

At the beginning of 2021 ElasticSearch took the open source search community by surprise when it announced some changes to its licensing model and subsequently highlighted the differences between the ElasticSearch and AWS offerings. Charlie Hull, Managing Consultant at Open Source Solutions, has been tracking the outcomes of this decision, and very courageously set up… Continue reading Open source search and OpenSearch

The state of enterprise search in Scandinavia in 2019

IntraTeam was established in 2000 with a vision of creating and supporting a community of intranet managers in Denmark. There are 23 communities in Sweden and Denmark that meet quarterly to exchange experience and ideas. Every Spring members of these communities come together at the three-day IntraTeam Event in Copenhagen. From the very beginning IntraTeam… Continue reading The state of enterprise search in Scandinavia in 2019

Peter Willett – reflections on the occasion of his retirement

Peter Willett retired from the Information School at The University of Sheffield at the end of 2019 after a long and hugely successful career. Peter is well known throughout the world for his contributions to information retrieval, bibliometrics and chemoinformatics. As well as being a hugely influential researcher, Peter is also held in very high… Continue reading Peter Willett – reflections on the occasion of his retirement

Diagnosing Enterprise Search

As a digital workplace consultant, I often find myself in workshops with employees to gather requirements. Invariably within a few minutes someone will say “we can never find stuff, the search is awful”, and the whole group will nod agreement. My company, ClearBox Consulting, has been working in the intranet and digital workplace space since… Continue reading Diagnosing Enterprise Search

The Open University at 50: a research profile

(A note from the Editor. From 2006-2008 I worked with an outstanding team (Ian Roddis, Nicky Waters and Jed Cawthorne) on the development of a new intranet and the selection of a new search application. In the course of the user interviews I realized my view of The Open University as just a distance-learning provider… Continue reading The Open University at 50: a research profile

Syria’s First Web Search Engine: An Interview with Shadi Saleh

This interview was conducted by on Saturday, July 13, 2019 (editing for brevity and language jointly by the interviewer and interviewee.) Jochen Leidner: Today, I have on the line Shadi Saleh, co-founder of the first-ever Web search engine in Syria. I met Shadi at ECIR 2019 [the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval] in Cologne,… Continue reading Syria’s First Web Search Engine: An Interview with Shadi Saleh

My week: Natasha Chowdory, a CEBIS Specialist at a large hospital in the West Midlands

Our work is fairly constant, with large influxes in September and January from people gearing up for conference submissions. However, it’s not just conference submissions but also applying for research grants. A fair amount of the research we do, will contribute to bids that individuals make for the hospital – some of which that have… Continue reading My week: Natasha Chowdory, a CEBIS Specialist at a large hospital in the West Midlands