Open source search and OpenSearch

At the beginning of 2021 ElasticSearch took the open source search community by surprise when it announced some changes to its licensing model and subsequently highlighted the differences between the ElasticSearch and AWS offerings. Charlie Hull, Managing Consultant at Open Source Solutions, has been tracking the outcomes of this decision, and very courageously set up… Continue reading Open source search and OpenSearch

Events Spring 2021

Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis some events have been cancelled, postponed or will be run virtually. We have provided information on each of the events with the current status at the time of writing. Please check the URL of the event for further details.

IRSG Committee Meeting Highlights (January 26 2021)

Greetings all. As your acting IRSG secretary, I am pleased to kick off the inaugural update from the most recent IRSG committee meeting. This will be a very brief piece highlighting key points from the meeting. Our last meeting IRSG committee meeting took place on January 26th 2021. Key action points from this meeting were

And finally!

And finally! As a way of keeping in touch with information retrieval research during the lock down I started to look at some sections of arXiv on a regular basis. After a few months I homed in on the following sections as being the most fruitful. Artificial Intelligence authors/titles recent submissions ( Computation and Language… Continue reading And finally!