At last – an academic deep dive into an enterprise search case study

The opening presentation at Search Solutions 2021 in November given by Professor Katriina Byström (Oslo Metropolitan University) in which she summarised the outcomes of  research she had carried out with Professor Marianne Lykke, Ann Bygholm and Louise Bak Søndergaard ( Department of Communications and Psychology at Aalborg University) on enterprise search use across an organisation.… Continue reading At last – an academic deep dive into an enterprise search case study

Brief Overview of the Portable Document Format (PDF) and Some Challenges for Text Extraction

(Note from the Editor  PDF files are so ubiquitous in business and in academia that few people give any thought to the problems that arise in extracting text from a PDF to incorporate into a search index. Tim Allison is a consultant working at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and has been at the forefront… Continue reading Brief Overview of the Portable Document Format (PDF) and Some Challenges for Text Extraction

Book review – Invisible Search and Online Search Engines

(A note from the Editor. This 161pp book was published in 2019 but recently became open access. I must have missed it first time around!) The reviewer Cass Zhixue Zhao I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield. I have obtained my PhD from Information School, University of Sheffield.… Continue reading Book review – Invisible Search and Online Search Engines

Events Spring 2022

Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic some events have been cancelled, postponed or will be run virtually. We have provided information on each of the events with the current status at the time of writing. Please check the URL of the event for further details.

ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2022

The annual ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) is the primary international event for the inter- and multi-disciplinary community of academics and practitioners in digital libraries coming from computer, information and social sciences, and other related disciplines such as information retrieval. JCDL encompasses the many meanings of the term digital libraries, including notions of… Continue reading ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2022

And finally….from the Editor

During the closing panel session of the Search Solutions conference in November Professor Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow) highlighted the need to keep graduate and undergraduate courses updated in line with the very rapid developments in IR theory, development and practice. Around this time there was a Twitter thread about what might be the best… Continue reading And finally….from the Editor