
Conferences in Italy - a no-brainer

Welcome to the Spring 2016 edition of Informer! We know we are a bit late this time but we wanted to find out how eagerly people are awaiting our next issue (not quite an A/B test but close enough) and yes, the readers’ response was overwhelming and we promise not to delay the delivery of a future issue again – ever!

You will be surprised that there is no article by Gabriella  whose compilation of news updates in the field of machine learning attracted a lot of attention last time. The reason is simple. Gabriella has been extremely busy with the official launch of Lumi. Speaking of news information retrieval and filtering, there is still plenty to read for you as we have an extensive review of NewsIR’16 – the first international workshop on recent trends in News IR which was co-located with ECIR in Padua earlier this year. The article was written by Marco Palomino and Ayse Göker who enjoyed writing for Informer so much that they used the first opportunity to provide another story. Thanks to both of you!

Always on the hunt for new faces we were pleased to bump into Aldo Lipani and Gianluca Demartini at ECIR 2016 who happily agreed to provde a summary of the main conference – and what a summary that is! It makes you want to go to Italy straightaway (footnote: the early registration deadline for SIGIR 2016 in Pisa is coming up and if you still have no justification for getting your expenses paid, then why not consider submitting to GamifIR’16 – the third workshop on gamification for IR?).

Thanks also to Tony, a reliable source of exciting articles with a distinct practitioner’s perspective on search. His pieces fit in Informer equally well as in cocktail party conversations. Searching for talent is the theme this time (the start of a new series of articles) and if you have no idea what that is, then do read on, it is a fascinating read.

No book reviews this time? No.

Finally, thanks Andy for compiling a list of upcoming IR-related events, as comprensive as ever.

That’s it? It is. I thought you like it.

Enjoy the sun!