Events Summer 2012

Forthcoming Events

Edited By Andy MacFarlane


  1. ACM SIGIR 2012. The worlds top IR conference. Portland,  Oregon, USA, 12th – 16th August 2012.
  2. IIiX 2012. The biannual conference on Information interaction in Context. Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 21-24th August 2012.
  3. 2nd International Conference ïn Integrated Information (IC-ININFO 2012). A general conference on information of interest to members with a wide scope. Budapest, Hungary, August 30-September 3, 2012.
  4. 38th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2012). Of interest to members working in the area of music search. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-15 September 2012.
  5. ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2012. Of interest to members working on Recommender systems. Dublin, Ireland, 9-13 September 2012.
  6. Information Retrieval 2012. A workshop arranged by Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computing Society). Technical University Dortmund, Germany, 12-14 September 2012.
  7. 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-12). Of interest to members working in the area of audio search, including music and speech. University of York, UK, 17th-21st September, 2012.
  8. 16th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2012). Of interest to members working in the area of Digital Libraries. Cyprus, 23-27 September 2012.
  9. International Workshop on Search Computing. A wide ranging workshop on search in computing and the different aspects of it. Cyprus, 25-26 September 2012.
  10. 6th International Workshop on Information Filtering and Retrieval: novel distributed systems and applications (DART 2012). Of interest to members working in the area of filtering and recommendation. A sateliate workshop of KDD 2012. Barcelona, Spain, 5th-6th October 2012.
  11. 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012). Of interest to members working in the area of music search. Porto, Portugal, 8th-12th October 2012.
  12. The Latin-American Conference on Networked Electronic Media (LACNEM 2012). A general conference on the web with a theme on search. Santiago de Chile, Chile, 17-19 October 2012.
  13. 19th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2012). A general conference which as a duel focus on string processing and IR. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 21 – 25 October 2012.
  14. 8th Latin American Web Congress (LA-WEB 2012). A general conference on the web with a theme on search. Cartagena, Colombia, 25 – 27 October 2012.
  15. 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012). A conference on both information and knowledge management, with a theme on IR. Sheraton, Maui, Hawaii, 29th October to 2nd November 2012.
  16. ACM Multimedia 2012 (acmmm 2012). A conference on multimedia of interest to members working in Multimedia IR. There is also a workshop on social aware multimedia. Nara, Japan. 29th October to 2nd November 2012.
  17. AAAI 2012 Fall Symposium on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery in Biomedical Text. A symposium of interest to working on IR and biomedicine. Arlington, VA, U.S.A. 2 – 4 November 2012.
  18. The Seventh International Workshop on ONTOLOGY MATCHING  (OM-2012). A work on ontologies, of interest to members working on search and knowledge organisation techniques. Is part of the Semantic Web conference. Taipei, Taiwan, 11 or 12 November 2012.
  19. The 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2012). A conference on digital libraries, of interest to members working on search in digital libraries. Taipei, Taiwan, 12-15 November 2012.
  20. 7th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2012). A conference on social media of interest to members working in social search. Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg, 3-4 December 2012.
  21. 1st International Workshop on Machine Reading for Social Media Content Analytics (IMRSMCA’12) A workshop on social media of interest to members working in social search. Macau, China, 4 December 2012. Part of the 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM Int. Conference on Web Intelligence.
  22. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2012 (ISM2012). A conference on multimedia of interest to members working in Multimedia IR. Irvine, CA, USA, 10-12 December 2012.

Summer Schools

  1. 2nd Summer School on Information Foraging. A summer school with four themes: 1) information seeking behaviour; 2) interaction; 3) context and personalised search and 4) semantic and social interaction. Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 27 August to 7 September 2012.
  2. Summer School on Social Media Modeling and Search. A summer school focusing on the modelling of social media in the context of search. Fira, Santorini, Greece.10-14 September 2012.