Events: Winter

One Day Events Conferences/Workshops CHIIR 2018: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Information. A conference with a very clear focus on user issues in search. 10-14 March 2019. Glasgow, Scotland.


Welcome to the Autumn 2018 edition of Informer! What a great time of the year, the days get shorter, the nights get colder, the Pound drops further. Happy days. You can be happy too if you do not miss our early-bird deadline to register for our annual practitioners’ event – Search Solutions! We have been running… Continue reading Editorial

Visualizing search strategies (part 2)

In our last post we reviewed some of the issues involved in developing effective solutions to complex search problems, and explored some of the challenges involved in formulating and representing Boolean strings and expressions. In particular, we explored the contribution of three experimental systems which aimed to offer an alternative to the conventional approach exemplified by line-by-line query builders and ‘advanced… Continue reading Visualizing search strategies (part 2)

BCS Search Industry Awards 2018: final call for nominations

On behalf of the BCS IRSG I am delighted to announce this year’s Search Industry Awards, celebrating the best search innovations of 2018. Presented by the Information Retrieval Specialist Group of the BCS, these awards recognize people, projects, and companies that have excelled in the design of search and information retrieval products and services. If you know of… Continue reading BCS Search Industry Awards 2018: final call for nominations

Conference Review: Autumn School for Information Retrieval and Information Foraging 2018

The Autumn School for Information Retrieval and Information Foraging (ASIRF) is a five-day intensive seminar held in mid-September at Schloss Dagstuhl in Saarland, Germany. In 2018, 20 people from five different countries engaged in a series of lectures, tutorials, and project-based work with internationally recognized scholars who specialize in information retrieval and information seeking behaviour.

Events Autumn 2018

One Day Events DIR2018: The Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval workshop 2018. 23 November 2018. Leiden, the Netherlands. Our annual search solutions event will take place on Tuesday 27th November 2018, with tutorials taking place one day beforehand on Monday 26th November 2018


Welcome to the Summer 2018 edition of Informer! We are back with a mix of news, reports and reminders, all from the world of search. Did I say reminder? If you are planning to host the top European Information Retrieval conference in 2020, then you have until Friday next week to hand in your bid.… Continue reading Editorial

Visualizing search strategies

According to the IDC whitepaper, The High Cost of Not Finding Information, knowledge workers spend 2.5 hours per day searching for information. Whether they eventually find what they are looking for or just stop and make a sub-optimal decision, there is a high cost to both outcomes. The recruitment industry, for example, relies on Boolean search as the… Continue reading Visualizing search strategies

CfP: Workshop on Ethics, Privacy, Transparency and Bias in Information Retrieval in Sheffield

More than ever before, information, algorithms and systems have the potential to influence and shape our experiences and views. Especially in the context of information retrieval and recommender systems, an awareness and understanding of areas, such as algorithmic accountability, transparency, governance and bias, are becoming increasingly important. Recent cases in the news and media have… Continue reading CfP: Workshop on Ethics, Privacy, Transparency and Bias in Information Retrieval in Sheffield

SIGIR 2018 Review

The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval took place at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor July 8th – 12th 2018. As usual, the conference was highly competitive, with a 21% acceptance rate for long papers! For the first time, China surpassed the USA with most accepted papers.… Continue reading SIGIR 2018 Review