Book review: Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks: NTCIR’s Legacy of Research Impact

Already hinted at in one of my previous book reviews, this year finally saw the publication of the long-awaited book “Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks: NTCIR’s Legacy of Research Impact”. If this isn’t reason enough to stop everything you are doing right now and start searching for your reading glasses, there’s even more good… Continue reading Book review: Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks: NTCIR’s Legacy of Research Impact

Events Autumn 2020

Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis some events have been cancelled, postponed or will be run virtually. We have provided information on each of the events with the current status at the time of writing. Please check the URL of the event for further details.


The Spring issue was mainly about conferences, specifically ECIR 2020. This issue is much more about people but first I must highlight the third of the three ECIR 2020 keynotes by Joana Gonçalves de Sá which did not make it into the Spring issue. I am delighted to be able to publish a tribute by… Continue reading Editorial

The state of enterprise search in Scandinavia in 2019

IntraTeam was established in 2000 with a vision of creating and supporting a community of intranet managers in Denmark. There are 23 communities in Sweden and Denmark that meet quarterly to exchange experience and ideas. Every Spring members of these communities come together at the three-day IntraTeam Event in Copenhagen. From the very beginning IntraTeam… Continue reading The state of enterprise search in Scandinavia in 2019

Peter Willett – reflections on the occasion of his retirement

Peter Willett retired from the Information School at The University of Sheffield at the end of 2019 after a long and hugely successful career. Peter is well known throughout the world for his contributions to information retrieval, bibliometrics and chemoinformatics. As well as being a hugely influential researcher, Peter is also held in very high… Continue reading Peter Willett – reflections on the occasion of his retirement

BCS IRSG Search Solutions 2020 goes virtual and CfP

Search Solutions is the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group’s annual forum focused on practitioner issues and latest innovations in the area of Search and Information Retrieval.  Search Solutions 2020 will be an online event taking place on November 23, 2020. Search Solutions will consist of invited talks, but we also invite proposals for 30-minute presentations … Continue reading BCS IRSG Search Solutions 2020 goes virtual and CfP

Call for Online Tutorials: Search Solutions 2020

Search Solutions is the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group’s annual event focused on practitioner issues in the area of Search and Information Retrieval. We invite proposals which focus on any area of the practical application of search technologies to real world problems, for the tutorial day due to take place the day after Search Solutions… Continue reading Call for Online Tutorials: Search Solutions 2020

Meeting in a time of lock-down – ISKO UK’s experience

Many of us have been adapting to life in lock-down, including groups such as ISKO UK, which I have the honour of chairing.  We are a small, specialist and very active group that promotes the science of knowledge organization.  As part of an international network of societies, the UK chapter is particularly interested in the… Continue reading Meeting in a time of lock-down – ISKO UK’s experience

Microsoft Research New Future of Work Conference 3-5 August 2020 – Part 1 The conference technology platform

Microsoft Research was able to set up its New Future of Work conference (August 3-5) as a virtual conference right from the start. This meant that it was probably one of the first to be designed at the outset to be virtual rather than adopting and adapting an existing one-site conference agenda.  The conference was… Continue reading Microsoft Research New Future of Work Conference 3-5 August 2020 – Part 1 The conference technology platform