Search Solutions 2022 Conference report

Search Solutions is managed by the Information Retrieval Specialist Group of the British Computer Society and is the only broad-spectrum search event outside of the USA. The conference was held at the BCS London office on 23 November, preceded by a day of Tutorials. The conference was held at the BCS London office on 23 November,… Continue reading Search Solutions 2022 Conference report

ChatGPT take on Academia and Enterprise

The following is the version authored by ChatGPT of Steven Zimmerman’s article titled ‘Academia and the Enterprise‘.   This version is notably shorter than the original article, and the facts  that remain are all correct.  However, ChatGPT has removed many anecdotes, including the mention of SkyNet (should we be concerned).   Which version do you prefer? Academia… Continue reading ChatGPT take on Academia and Enterprise

In the Autumn issue

Let me start with IRSG business. Udo has written his last post as Chair as a new Chair will take over after the AGM on 23 November.   There have been no candidates to take on the Editorship of Informer so next year we are planning to publish just two issues (in April and November) in… Continue reading In the Autumn issue

From the BCS IRSG Chair

Welcome to this autumn issue of Informer from your Chair. Hopefully you had a spectacular summer (or winter if you happen to be in Australia) with plenty of sun (or snow) and perhaps some conference trips? Well, if your answer to the last point is ‘unfortunately not’, then maybe you should consider joining us at… Continue reading From the BCS IRSG Chair

IRSG AGM and Elections

The BCS IRSG Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to take place on Wednesday November 23rd at 6PM.  The AGM will take place immediately following the close of Search Solutions 2022, which is being held at the BCS London office at 25 Copthall Avenue London EC2R 7BP.    As with the Search Solutions conference, the… Continue reading IRSG AGM and Elections

Informer in 2023

For most of its history Informer has been published four times a year. In 2023 the plan is to publish just two issues because efforts to find someone to take over the editorship have not been successful. I have agreed to continue to act as Editor but because of other commitments I can only commit… Continue reading Informer in 2023

Search Solutions Conference 2022 – London, 23 November

Search Solutions 2022 will take place at the BCS London office at 25 Copthall Avenue London, EC2R 7BP, which is a 10 minute walk from either Liverpool Street or Moorgate Underground stations. Session 1: The Search Experience: Focus on the users 10:00 – 10:15 Introduction 10:15 – 10:45 Natasha den Dekker (LexisNexis) “How to conduct… Continue reading Search Solutions Conference 2022 – London, 23 November

Search Solutions Tutorials 2022 – London 22 November

The Search Solution Tutorials will take place at the BCS London office at 25 Copthall Avenue, London, EC2R 7BP. This is around a 10 minute walk from either Liverpool Street or Moorgate underground stations. Tutorial 1 – Full day IR From Bag-of-words to BERT and Beyond through Practical Experiments Sean MacAvaney (University of Glasgow) Craig… Continue reading Search Solutions Tutorials 2022 – London 22 November

Perspectives on the EU Horizon DoSSIER Project

In this feature item there are three excellent contributions from members of the DoSSIER project. DoSSIER is an acronym for an EU Horizon 2020 ITN/ETN on Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval There are three contributions from members of the project team A Summary of the First DoSSIER Training School, which took place… Continue reading Perspectives on the EU Horizon DoSSIER Project