Applied research at the Competence Center Information Retrieval and Machine Learning of DAI Laboratory, TU Berlin

The Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) Laboratory at Technische Universität Berlin, headed by Prof. Dr. Sahin Albayrak, works on providing solutions for a new generation of systems and services to support our everyday life, coined as  “smart services and smart systems”. The institute currently employs over 100 researchers, post-docs, graduate students, and support staff. The main… Continue reading Applied research at the Competence Center Information Retrieval and Machine Learning of DAI Laboratory, TU Berlin

Made in Germany – Information Retrieval Research in Regensburg

These are heady times for the German IR community. Norbert Fuhr’s recent winning of the Salton Prize not only rewarded a fantastic and long-term individual contribution to the field, but has also served to shed light on the whole IR scene in Germany – a fact underlined by this “Made in Germany” series. There are… Continue reading Made in Germany – Information Retrieval Research in Regensburg

Events Spring 2013

Forthcoming Events Edited By Andy MacFarlane Conferences/Workshops WIMS’13: International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics. Of interest to members working in the area web search, information extract etc. Madrid, Spain, 12-14 June 2013. NAACL-HLT 2013: 14th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Of interest to members… Continue reading Events Spring 2013


Fed up with the snow? Tired of writing SIGIR papers?  No exam papers to mark? Then why not take a glass of whisky, sit by the fire and read this new issue of Informer … We have prepared quite a mix of articles this time. We start with an idea that the older readers will remember.… Continue reading Editorial

IR Made In Germany – The German IR Special Interest Group

Introduction – IR Made In Germany 2012 marked an exciting year for the German Information Retrieval community, when for the first time ever with Norbert Fuhr a German was awarded the prestigious Gerard Salton Award. Besides being a well-deserved personal award, this brings with it a nice appreciation of the work performed by the German… Continue reading IR Made In Germany – The German IR Special Interest Group

Webis Group, Weimar

The Web Technology and Information Systems group, Webis for short (, is part of the media faculty at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The faculty provides, among others, the study course Computer Science and Media (both bachelor and master) and has a strong commitment to research in the field of digital media and information technology. The Webis… Continue reading Webis Group, Weimar

Information Retrieval between Disciplines: Computer Science and Information Science – The IR group at the University of Hildesheim

Information Retrieval Research in Germany is mainly done within the Computer Science Community represented by the Special Interest Group. But there is also a considerable amount of work done within the smaller Information Science Community in the German speaking countries. The University of Hildesheim forms a link between these otherwise largely distinct communities. Information Science… Continue reading Information Retrieval between Disciplines: Computer Science and Information Science – The IR group at the University of Hildesheim

New Book: Designing the Search Experience

Remember the Yahoo! Directory? It was a hand-built taxonomy that allowed users to browse and discover Internet resources. By categorizing sites by topic and location, it became the definitive map of the World Wide Web. But at the turn of the millennium, Yahoo! transformed itself from a directory into a search engine. The task of… Continue reading New Book: Designing the Search Experience

Search Solutions 2012

I attended BCS-IRSG’s Search Solutions 2012 event in London on 29th November, having missed it for a couple of years, and was reminded of the usefulness of this event for an academic researcher in the field. The industrial speakers, presenting the challenges and rewards of Applied Information Retrieval, keep us abreast of the expectations and… Continue reading Search Solutions 2012

Enterprise Search Europe 2013

The third Enterprise Search Europe conference will take place in London on 15-16 May 2013, chaired by Martin White of Intranet Focus. BCS-IRSG Members can benefit from 20% discount on delegate places. “This year, the conference will focus on 5 key themes,” said Martin White. “SharePoint, the opportunities and challenges of big data, getting the… Continue reading Enterprise Search Europe 2013