The Future of Search – Search Solutions Conference 26th November 2015

Search Solutions 2015 took place at the British Computer Society (BCS) Headquarters at Southampton Street in Covent Garden, London, UK. The event was jointly convened with the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO). The event was a sell out with over 80 attendees from business and academia. The two sessions in the morning were focused… Continue reading The Future of Search – Search Solutions Conference 26th November 2015

My first attendance at Search Solutions

As a PhD student just reaching the end of my first year at the Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at the University of Surrey, I was delighted to receive a postgraduate bursary from the British Computer Society IRSG to support my attendance at Search Solutions 2015. Search Solutions was an ideal opportunity… Continue reading My first attendance at Search Solutions

Book Review: Fundamentals of Predictive Text Mining 2nd ed (2015)

Book Review: Weiss S. M., Indurkhya N. and Zhang T.  (2015). Fundamentals of Predictive Text Mining. Springer-Verlag, London. Second Edition The volume “Fundamentals of Predictive Text Mining”, 2nd ed. has nine chapters, a table of contents, a list of references, a Subject Index and an Author Index. The book also includes a Preface written by… Continue reading Book Review: Fundamentals of Predictive Text Mining 2nd ed (2015)

SocialSensor: Sensing political content in social media streams

The successful use of online material in political campaigns over the past two decades has motived the inclusion of social network websites—such as Twitter—as an integral part of the political apparatus. Indeed, after the growth of candidate websites in 1996, Jesse Ventura’s e-mail campaign in 1998, the online fund-raising for John McCain’s campaign in 2000,… Continue reading SocialSensor: Sensing political content in social media streams

Applications of Social Media and Social Network Analysis

Applications of Social Media and Social Network Analysis Edited by Kazienko, P. & Chawla, N. Series: Lecture Notes in Social Networks 2015. Springer 240p This edited collection includes papers on sentiment analysis, information diffusion, trend spotting, reputation metrics and network structures. Perhaps on first viewing some of these topics could seem to have limited relevance… Continue reading Applications of Social Media and Social Network Analysis

Book Review: Personalized Task Recommendations in Crowdsourcing Systems

Personalized Task Recommendation in Crowdsourcing Systems by David Geiger ISBN: 978-3-319   The Personalized Task Recommendations in Crowdsourcing Systems is a tightly organized book, dense with details of a thorough research addressing the subject matter of crowd sourcing systems and automated, personalized task recommendations targeted at users of such systems. Crowdsourcing systems are defined here… Continue reading Book Review: Personalized Task Recommendations in Crowdsourcing Systems

Events Winter 2016

One Day Events Conferences/Workshops IEEE ICSC2016: Tenth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing. Of interest to members working in the area of Semantic search. 3-5 February 2016, Laguna Hills, CA, USA. TEI’16: ACM TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED AND EMBODIED INTERACTION. A conference focusing on different forms of interaction, around the body – which can be considered… Continue reading Events Winter 2016


Welcome to a new edition of Informer! Ever wondered how to best get from London to Aberdeen? On a sleeper train! If you are confident enough that your paper gets accepted at ECIR 2017, then why not book early (to avoid disappointment) as it is now official that ECIR 2017 will be hosted by the… Continue reading Editorial

News Information Retrieval is calling!

News is generating renewed interest in IR prompted by the recent seismic shifts in the global newspaper industry and the changes in audience habits to consume news [1]. While printed news still makes up the better part of the global newspaper revenues, digital news is a fast growing contributor, especially in North America and Europe.