
I’m looking forward with interest to three virtual search events in November.  The Search Solutions 2020 Tutorial Day take place on 24 November followed by the Search Solutions conference itself on 25 November. Then on the afternoon of 26 November comes the Strix Annual Lecture. The decision has now been taken to run ECIR 2021… Continue reading Editorial

Search Solutions 2020 24/25 November

The Search Solutions conference will take place virtually on Wednesday 25 November. The programme can be found on the conference website. The conference will be preceded by a day of workshops on Tuesday 24 November. With the Strix Award event taking place on Thursday 26 November it will be quite a searching week.


The Spring issue was mainly about conferences, specifically ECIR 2020. This issue is much more about people but first I must highlight the third of the three ECIR 2020 keynotes by Joana Gonçalves de Sá which did not make it into the Spring issue. I am delighted to be able to publish a tribute by… Continue reading Editorial

Microsoft Research New Future of Work Conference 3-5 August 2020 – Part 1 The conference technology platform

Microsoft Research was able to set up its New Future of Work conference (August 3-5) as a virtual conference right from the start. This meant that it was probably one of the first to be designed at the outset to be virtual rather than adopting and adapting an existing one-site conference agenda.  The conference was… Continue reading Microsoft Research New Future of Work Conference 3-5 August 2020 – Part 1 The conference technology platform

Book Review – Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments: A Practical Guide to A/B Testing

One of the benefits of web technology is that it is relatively easy to make design changes to a web site or intranet both at the development stage and even when in production. The same is true of course of open source enterprise applications, such as e-commerce and enterprise search. In principle it seems so… Continue reading Book Review – Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments: A Practical Guide to A/B Testing