ECIR 2021 – planning for a virtual conference

The 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval will be held in Lucca, Italy on March 28 to April 1, 2021 though the decision has been taken to run it as a virtual event. ECIR 2020 was run as a virtual event at short notice and was a great success. Lessons learned from ECIR 2020 will of course be taken into account with the 2021 event.

The submission deadlines are…

Full Paper Submissions 15 October 2020

Short Paper Submissions 30 October 2020

Demo Submissions 30 October 2020

Reproducibility Paper Submissions 30 October

Doctorial Consortium Paper Submissions 15 November

Tutorial Submissions 15 November

Camera-ready copies of all material 10 January 2021

Industry Day Proposal Submissions 15 January 2021

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