Call for book reviews (Winter 2018)

Keeping up with the tradition of book reviews, we again seek reviewers for a number of recently published books in the fields of information and data science. As always, books will be allocated for review on a first-come-first-served basis and you would have about one month to carry out the review. If you are interested in reviewing one of these books, please let me know which book you are interested in reviewing and we will arrange for a copy (paper or online format) to be sent to you along with review guidelines. The currently available books (courtesy of Springer Verlag) are:

Data Science and Big Data: An Environment of Computational Intelligence
Pedrycz, Witold, Chen, Shyi-Ming (Eds.)

Visual Content Indexing and Retrieval with Psycho-Visual Models
Benois-Pineau, Jenny, Le Callet, Patrick (Eds.)

Multimodal Analysis of User-Generated Multimedia Content
Shah, Rajiv, Zimmermann, Roger

Spatio-Temporal Graph Data Analytics
Gunturi, Venkata Maruti Viswanath, Shekhar, Shashi

Robust Representation for Data Analytics
Li, Sheng, Fu, Yun

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