Fair Information Retrieval for Industry Workshop 27 March Glasgow

Fair Information Retrieval for Industry is a one-day workshop, sponsored by IRSG and SICSA, that will bring together practitioners from academia and industry to discuss the challenges relating to fair IR that are faced by industry and recent advances in fair IR research.

Many organisations are bound by regulations or laws that require them to ensure fairness in the information that they provide to the public. For example, media companies should be impartial in the on-line content that they produce, and governments must be unbiased when releasing or retaining information through FOI and GDPR. IR systems are playing an increasingly important role in selecting the information that is made available to the public in contexts such as these, e.g. search and recommendation systems for finding on-line content or technology-assisted review for identifying sensitive government information.

The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness of fair IR challenges, to foster knowledge transfer and encourage discussion with a view to identifying new fair IR research directions.

The speakers will include

Professor Maarten De Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Dr. Jean-Michel Renders, Naver Labs Europe, France.

Dr. Leif Azzopardi, University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

Dr. Graham McDonald, University of Glasgow, Scotland

The workshop is free-of-charge. It will be held at the Business School Lecture Theatre, Main Building Room 206, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ.

You can register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fair-information-retrieval-for-industry-tickets-91620779217

The organisers are Graham McDonald, Iadh Ounis and Craig Macdonald at the University of Glasgow

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