ECIR 2020 – The participants

In terms of participation, ECIR 2020 generated a very positive interest in the community. After moving to online only, a total of 1021 registrations were received. Each day of the conference featured a different highlight attracting different participants: on the first day, there was a plenary keynote session across all workshops, on the second day we had the KSJ Award Keynote, on the third day the keynote was followed by the Best Paper Awards ceremony, and on the last day the panel was the highlight.

In terms of participation the following table breaks down the participation numbers into unique viewers in Zoom and YouTube Live, the maximum number of concurrent viewers in Zoom and YouTube Live, and the ECIR 2020 YouTube cumulative number of unique viewers in the first 20 days after the conference. Note that we are not counting the number of views of the pre-recorded short paper and demo paper views.

It is very comforting to see how ECIR 2020 was well received by the community: we had a peak number of unique viewers of 384 in Zoom and 221 in YouTube. Considering all the time zones, we are very happy with these figures. Also, the second day of the main conference (April 16) shows a trend that we confirmed from attendees’ feedback: a considerable number of people preferred to watch the talks on YouTube instead of Zoom.


    Zoom YouTube
Date Webinar Unique viewers Max concurrent viewers Unique viewers

(first 24 hours)

Max concurrent viewers Cumulative unique viewers (first 20 days)
Apr 14 Webinar A 226 135 112 42 275
Apr 15 Webinar A 384 154 221 63 444
Webinar B 235 78 130 29 256
Shorts and demos 100 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Apr 16 Webinar A 338 157 181 75 323
Webinar B 184 68 164 29 323
Shorts and demos 56 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Apr 17 Webinar A 254 108 133 48 356
Web. B – Industry day 101 29 61 47 326
Shorts and demos 19 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.


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