ECIR 2021 Awards

A list of the Award winners is given below

Best Paper

An Enhanced Evaluation Framework for Query Performance Prediction

Guglielmo Faggioli, Oleg Zendal, Shane Culpepper, Nicola Ferro and Falk Scholer

Best Doctoral Consortium Paper

Background Linking of News Articles by Marwa Essam, Qatar University

Best Demo Paper

LogUI: Contemporary Logging Infrastructure for Web-Based Experiments by Davod Maxwell and Claudia Huff, University of Delft

Best Short Paper

A White Box Analysis of ColBERT by Thibault Formal, Stephane Clinchant and Benjamin Piwowarski, Naver Labs Europe

Best Reproducibility Paper

Textual Characteristics of News Title and Body to Detect Fake News – a Reproducibility Study by Anu Shrestha and Francesca Spezzano, Boise State University

Test of Time Award

Comparing Twitter and Traditional Media Using Topic Models by Wayne Xin Zhoo, Jing Jiang, Jianshu Weng, Jing He, Ee-Peng Lim, Hongfei Yan and Xiaoming Li, given at ECIR 2011

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