Search Solutions 2021 24 November – call for presentations and tutorials

Since 2007 the BSC IRSG Search Solutions conference has been an event where search good practice and academic IR research come together to share experience, user and business requirements and visions for the future of search. This year the conference will take place on 24 November, and we would welcome proposals for 30- minute presentations on any topic related to improving search performance and the user experience. We are especially keen to have papers from managers of B2B and B2C e-commerce, enterprise and intranet search and professional search applications.

We would also like to have presentations from the research community where feedback from academic, industrial and public sector attendees would be of assistance in defining research objectives and outcomes.

The best way to get a sense of the direction of Search Solutions is to look at the programme for previous conference at Search Solutions 2020 (

If you would like to offer a presentation please send , the Conference Coordinator, an email with a 80-100 word abstract of your presentation and together with what you expect the audience to gain from your presentation.

On 23 November we will be offering the opportunity for small-scale tutorials. These can be either be half-day or full-day courses for 10-15 participants. If you would like to offer a tutorial please send  the Tutorial Coordinator, an email with a 80-100 word abstract of your workshop and what you expect participants to gain from your presentation.

The deadline for the receipt of initial proposals for presentations and tutorials is 6 September. The members of the Conference Committee are Ingo Frommholz, Charlie Hull, Haiming Liu, Tony Russell-Rose and me.

Please note that due to the ongoing COVID situation, it is not clear yet whether Search Solutions will run as an in-person, online or hybrid event. In particular, tutorial leaders might wish to consider all possible situations.

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