Journals publishing information retrieval research – are there any missing?

The IRSG web site (see above) has  carried a list of journals that cover information retrieval research for many years. However there are a number of broken links and some rather strange omissions, such as the Journal of Information Science. The table below is a draft of the revised version, which I have expanded a little into information and knowledge management, both of which have a significant dependency on high-quality search. Could you take a look to see if any titles are missing? If there are could you please email the titles to me at No particular deadline as we can update the page after launch, but it would be good to have as comprehensive list as possible ready for the launch at the end of August. I have matched these against the journals included in the scope of the IR Anthology.

Code Title
arXiv AI arXiv Artificial Intelligence
arXiv.CL arXiv Computation and Language
arXiv.HC arXiv Human-Computer Interaction
arXiv IR arXiv Information Retrieval
AJIM Aslib Journal of Information Management, Emerald
CL MIT Computational Linguistics, The MIT Press
DKE Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier
IDD Information Discovery and Delivery, Emerald
IPM Information Processing & Management, Elsevier
IPL Information Processing Letters, Elsevier
IR Information Research
JIR Information Retrieval, Springer
IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
IJIM International Journal of Information Management, Elsevier
IJIRR International Journal of Information Retrieval Research
IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems
IJMIR International Journal of Multimedia Information Research
IJUFKS International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems World Scientific
IJDL International Journal on Digital Libraries, Springer
IJDAR International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
JDIQ Journal of Data and Information Quality, ACM
JDoc Journal of Documentation. Emerald
JEIM Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Emerald
JIS Journal of Information Science, Sage
JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information System, Springer
JASIST Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Wiley
KAIS Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer
NLE Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press
OIR Online Information Review
TDS Transactions in Data Science, ACM
TISMIR Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
TOIS Transactions On Information Systems ,ACM
TKDE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE
TKDD Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, ACM
TWED Transactions on the Web, ACM

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