Enterprise Search Management training course from Intranet Focus Ltd

In 2012 I undertook a project for the European Commission which had as its objectives the identification of barriers to the development and use of enterprise search applications in the EU. The primary conclusion was that the lack of training for enterprise search software developers and for enterprise search managers was the major barrier. Although Agnes Molnar has been offering very successful courses in managing Microsoft search applications for a number of years there have been no platform-neutral enterprise search management courses. I am now hoping to fill that gap with a  one-day on-site training course. There is a fixed-price £1600/€1900 fee for the course to encourage as many people as possible to attend.

The objectives of the course are to help search managers

  • Understand how employees use enterprise search, and the implications for user interface design
  • Assess whether their current search application is giving the functionality and performance users need
  • Establish a range of metrics that will enable users and your organisation to define and measure search success
  • Define the roles, responsibilities and training requirements for a search support team
  • Judge the opportunities and challenges of implementing AI/ML technologies
  • Develop near-term and longer-term strategies for enterprise search enhancement and possibly application migration

After the course attendees will receive a e-Workbook of reports and resources and a 30-day Q&A period to clarify any element of the course as the plan of action is developed.



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