BCS/IRSG Search Industry Awards 2022

The BCS Search Industry Awards recognise people, projects, and organisations that have excelled in the design of search and information retrieval products and services. If you know of any people, projects, or products that deserve recognition, let us know by submitting a nomination. Alternatively, if you’re involved with something special yourself, you can submit an application today.


This year we are offering five awards:

  • Best search user experience (of a web site / mobile app /  information resource, etc.)
  • Most promising start up (or new enterprise)
  • Best open source project (of all shapes & sizes)
  • Search professional of the year (who is your unsung hero?)
  • Best paper / presentation (at Search Solutions)

The last award is open only to presenters at Search Solutions, and will be judged on the day of the event. For all others, apply today!

Judging Panel

Winners will be selected by our panel of judges: Chris Bartlett, Agnes Molnar, and Paul Cleverley.

Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony will take place during Search Solutions on 23-Nov-2022. Winners will receive a framed certificate and a public listing on the IRSG Awards site.


We’ve designed the application process to be simple to complete. If you are unsure which category to apply for, or have questions about the application process, contact us via the address below. Nominations will remain open until 1st November.

For further details, see https://www.bcs.org/membership-and-registrations/member-communities/information-retrieval-specialist-group/awards/bcs-search-industry-awards/


If you have any questions on the above, please contact Tony Russell-Rose at tgr2uk+irsg AT gmail.com

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