Towards Search Standardisation

The EU-funded COST Network IC1002 ( ) is a four year (2010-2014) networking programme which aims to promote collaboration between researchers and professionals working on Multilingual and Multifaceted Information Access (MUMIA), principally in Information Retrieval, Machine Translation and related topics. More than 250 scientists and professionals from 28 COST countries and 4 non COST countries… Continue reading Towards Search Standardisation

Events Spring 2014

One day events Making Metadata work. A one day event on meta-data of interest to members working in the area of meta-data and search. A joint event with ISKO UK.  23rd June 2014. BCS offices, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2 7HA. Conferences/Workshops LIDA 2014: Libraries in the Digital Age. Of interest to members working… Continue reading Events Spring 2014


“New year, new direction?” asks Tony in his opening piece. Are we going to go back to print editions of Informer? Will we establish a new conference series on Enterprise Search? Are we going to extend our activities to the Outer Hebrides? Well, the short answer is that it’s up to you. We want to… Continue reading Editorial

Enterprise Search Europe 2014 – Conference Preview

The 4th Enterprise Search Europe conference will take place in London on 29-30 May 2014, chaired by Martin White of Intranet Focus. BCS-IRSG Members can benefit from 20% discount on delegate places. “In developing the programme, our priority is always for delegates to learn from the successes and challenges faced by other search managers,” explains… Continue reading Enterprise Search Europe 2014 – Conference Preview

Information Wayfinding, Part 3: Designing for Wayfinding

How can we make ever-growing volumes of information accessible and useful to people without overwhelming them? That is the question I want to consider in this third and final instalment on information wayfinding. In Part 1, I argued that we must move beyond thinking of information interaction as a book of pages, and instead think… Continue reading Information Wayfinding, Part 3: Designing for Wayfinding

A roundup of Stefan Rueger's Multimedia IR Tutorials

The tutorial on Multimedia Information Retrieval at Search Solutions 2013 held at BCS’s headquarters in London was the last in a series of tutorials by Professor Stefan Rueger from the The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute. He started the series at the end of 2009 based on the first stages of his text book with… Continue reading A roundup of Stefan Rueger's Multimedia IR Tutorials

Conference Review: Search Solutions 2013

The Search Solutions Conference which took place on 27 November 2013 promoted quality and diversity in the selection of speakers and topics – this quality driven choice of heterogenic elements was morphed into a homogeneous programme covering aspects from user-oriented search to enterprise-related search. The conference provided attendees the abstract layers of dogmatic search topics… Continue reading Conference Review: Search Solutions 2013