
Another edition of Informer? Are people not still hotly debating the issues we raised in the spring edition? Well, it’s been three months. Time flies when you are getting old(ish). Welcome back! This time it’s a seriously short editorial. Let’s focus on the facts.

Mining search logs for usage patterns (Part 1)

As I mentioned in a previous post I’ve recently been looking into the challenges of search log analysis and in particular the prospects for deriving a ‘taxonomy of search sessions’. The idea is that if we can find distinct, repeatable patterns of behaviour in search logs then we can use these to better understand user… Continue reading Mining search logs for usage patterns (Part 1)

Workshop Review: 1st Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) workshop @ ECIR 2014

Organizer of the workshop: Philipp Mayr, Andrea Scharnhorst, Birger Larsen, Philipp Schaer, Peter Mutschke Workshop Website: http://www.gesis.org/en/events/events-archive/conferences/ecirworkshop2014/ Workshop proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1143/ Participants: 40 The BIR workshop was also informed by an ongoing COST Action TD1210 KnowEscape . The 1st Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) workshop @ECIR 2014 in Amsterdam (NL) aimed to engage with the IR community… Continue reading Workshop Review: 1st Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) workshop @ ECIR 2014

2014 Karen Spӓrck Jones Lecture – Wendy Hall

Professor Dame Wendy Hall of the University of Southampton was the 2014 IBM BCS Karen Spӓrck Jones Lecturer. The lecture celebrates the role of women in computing research, and Wendy took the opportunity to present a wide ranging lecture, using her own career as a framework within which to locate the many developments and changes … Continue reading 2014 Karen Spӓrck Jones Lecture – Wendy Hall

Events Summer 2014

Forthcoming Events Edited By Andy MacFarlane One day events Search Solutions 2014. Our annual one day practioner focused event, with a tutorial day. 26, 27 November 2014. Conferences/Workshops SocialCom 2014: The 7th ASE International Conference on Social Computing. Of interest to members working in the area of social search. 4-7 August 2014,  Beijing, China, http://socialcom2014beijing.scienceengineering.org/… Continue reading Events Summer 2014


Welcome to a new edition of Informer and a very short editorial (just to find out if anybody notices). What do we have to offer this time? First of all we have a number of workshop and conference reviews. March saw the annual iConference leaving America for the first time and what better place to… Continue reading Editorial

Workshop Review: MindTheGap'14

The MindTheGap 2014 full day workshop, held 4 March in conjunction with the iConference at Germany’s Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, aimed to bring together researchers from different domains (including Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems) to discuss the idea of going beyond search  as a “single shot”, i.e., an isolated single query,… Continue reading Workshop Review: MindTheGap'14

Conference Review: ECIR 2014

The 36th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR2014) was held in the beautiful city of Amsterdam on 13-16 April 2014. With its objective to provide the venue for the presentation and publication of the original research outcome in various domains of Information Retrieval, the conference provided a diverse range of opportunities, i.e., workshops, tutorials, short… Continue reading Conference Review: ECIR 2014

Workshop Review: GamifIR 2014

The 1st Gamification in Information Retrieval (GamifIR) workshop was held at ECIR 2014 on April 13 in Amsterdam. The workshop focused on the challenges and opportunities that gamification may present for the information retrieval (IR) community. Gamification, which is the application of game elements and mechanics in non-gaming environments with the aim to increase user… Continue reading Workshop Review: GamifIR 2014