IRSG Support for Events

The BCS IRSG can support events in four different ways:

  1. We can provide Sponsorship. We can provide financial support for suitable IR-related events. There are restrictions on how our money can be used due to the status of our parent body, the British Computer Society, as a British Registered Charity. For example, we can provide funds to support student travel and attendance, but not, for example to underwrite basic running costs of a conference outside the UK.
  2. We can also be an official Supporter. For supported events we provide publicity on our web site, through our mailing list, and our Quarterly Newsletter, Informer, which has over 1000 readers for each issue. The committee is also very happy to provide advice and assistance to ensure your event is a success.
  3. We can organise use of conference rooms in Central London for up to 120 attendees, at no cost to the event organisers, provided the event is a scientific or other legitimate not-for-profit event and is IR related.
  4. We can organise registration systems, including taking registration fees, again at no cost to the event organisers, provided the event is a scientific or other legitimate not-for-profit event.
    We are always very interested in collaborations with other professional societies and with other groups and interested parties, but we normally expect event organisers to include at least one Affiliate or full Member of the IRSG on the event organising committee to act as a focus for liaison.

Ideally we should be approached in the May prior to the event (so for an event in April 2025 we should be approached in May 2024), but are happy to receive proposals at any time.
In the first instance interested parties should contact the IRSG Secretary, John Tait, providing as much detail as possible about the event. Proposals will then be considered by the committee and decision will normally be made within about one month.

The Process for Decision Making
1. A request is received, normally by the secretary or chair.
2. If the request is for financial support from the group, the secretary will determine with the treasurer whether the request can be supported within the Group’s current annual budget.
3. The secretary will forward the request for support to the committee by email, with a timescale for comment, including whether it requires, e.g. an application for additional funds from the BCS beyond the IRSG’s regular budget.
4. If no negative comments are received the request will be approved at this stage.
5. If any negative comments are received the request will be included on the agenda for the next IRSG Committee, and the secretary will inform the applicant of the date of the meeting at which the final decision will be made.

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