Events Summer 2017

One Day Events

Search Solutions 2017. The annual practioner focused event for the IRSG held at the BCS offices in Covent Garden, together with a tutorial day on 28 November 2017, with the main event on 29th November 2017.


IEEE IRI 2017: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration. A conference with various themes which tackle search, with various relevant workshops. 4-6 August 2017, San Diego, CA, USA.

DSCI 2017: 14th 2017 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing. Of interest to members working in the area of mobile and search. 4- 8 August 2017. San Francisco, CA, US.

SIGIR 2017: 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. The biggest conference on IR. 7-11 August 2017, Tokyo, Japan.

KDD 2017: SIGIR Conference on data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data. A conference with many themes on search. 13-17 August 2017, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

SIGDIAL 2017: 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue. A conference with a number of themes related to search. 15-17 August 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany.

LACompLing2017: Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2017. Workshop of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. 18-19 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.

IJCAI-17: 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. A key AI conference of interest to members working with AI on IR problems. 19-25 August 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Web Audio Conference 2017: 3RD ANNUAL WEB AUDIO CONFERENCE. Of interest to members working on search of audio data on the web. 21-23 August 2017, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London.

SNAMS-2017: The Fourth International Symposium on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security. Of interest to members working in the area of social search. 21-23 August 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

WI’17: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2017. Of interest to members working in the area of web search. 23-26 August 2017, Leipzig, Germany.

IVA 2017: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Of interest to members working in the area of agents for search and information filtering. 27-30 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.

RecSys 2017: ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Of interest to members working in the area of recommender systems and search. 27-31 August 2017, Como, Italy.

DEXA 2017: 28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications. A series of parallel conferences with many themes on IR evident. 28-31 August 2017, Lyon, France.

VLDB 2017: 43rd International Conference on Very Large Databases. A conference with many themes which tackle IR issues. 28th August-1 September 2017, Technical University of Munich, Germany.

CD-MAKE: International IFIP Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction. Of interest to members working in the area of search and machine learning. 29 August-1 September 2017.
Reggio di Calabria, Italy.

LTA’2017: 2nd International Workshop on Language Technologies and Applications. Of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. 4-7 September 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

Mobile HCI 2017: 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. Of interest to members working in the area of mobile interfaces and search. 4-7 September, Vienna, Austria.

TeMA Track: Text Mining and Applications (TeMA) Track of the 18th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2017). Of interest to members working in the area of either machine learning or information extraction and search. 5-8 September 2017, Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal.

IntelliSys 2017: Intelligent Systems Conference. Of interest to members working in the area of AI and search. 7-8 September 2017, London, United Kingdom.

UbiComp 2017: 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Of interest to members working in the area of mobile search. 11-15 September 2017, Maui, Hawaii, USA.

ISKO-UK biennial conference: Knowledge Organization – what’s the story? Classification, Indexing, Taxonomies and Ontologies – current state and direction of travel. Of interest to members working in the area of knowledge organisation and search. 11-12 September 2017, UCL, London.

The International UDC Seminar 2017 – FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: theory, technology and end users. Of interest to members working in the area of knowledge organisation and search. 14-15 September 2017, Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London.

CDVE2017: 14th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering. Of interest to members working in the area of visualisastion and search. 17-20 September 2017, Mallorca, Spain.

ICIP 2017: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Of interest to members working in the area of Content based image retrieval (CBIR). 17-20 September 2017, Beijing, China.

CHItaly 2017: The 12th Edition of CHItaly, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter. An HCI conference of interest to members working in the area of user interaction issues. 18-20 September 2017, Cagliari, Italy.

TPDL2017: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. Of interest to members working in the area of digital libraries and search. 18-21 September 2017, Grand Hotel Palace, Thessaloniki, Greece.

ADBIS 2017: 21th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. A conference with many themes on IR including various workshops. 24-27 September 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus, Greece.

INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. A conference of interest to members working on search interfaces. 25-29 September 2017, Mumbai, India.

SPIRE 2017: 24th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval. A long standing conference with themes on search. 26-28 September 2017, Palermo, Italy.

ICTIR 2017: The ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. Of interest to members working on the theoretical side of search. 1-4 October 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

SUI ’17: ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction 2017. Of interest to members working in the area of 3D and search. 16-17 October, Brighton, UK.

HAI 2017: The Fifth International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. Of interest to members working in the area of agents and search. 17-20 October 2017, Bielefeld, Germany.

ISWC 2017: 16th International Semantic Web Conference. Of interest to members working with knowlege organisation schemes for search. 21-25 October 2017, Vienna, Austria.

ACM Multimedia 2017: 25th Annual Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. Of interest to members working in the area of multimedia search. 23-27 October 2017, Mountain View, CA USA.

SLSP 2017: 5th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech processing. Of interest to members working in NLP and search or speech retrieval. 23-25 October 2017, Le Mans, France.

mLearn 2017: 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning. Of interest to members working in the area of either mobile or context search or both. 30 October – 1 November, 2017, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus.

IC3K 2017: 9th Int.l Joint Conf. on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Of interest to members working in the area of knowledge management and search. 1-3 November 2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

IJCCI 2017 – 9th Int.l Joint Conf. on Computational Intelligence. Of interest to members working in the area of machine learning and search. 1-3 November 2017,Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

KDIR 2017 – 9th Int.l Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval. Of interest to members working in the area of data mining and search. 1-3 November 2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

CIKM 2017: The 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. A major conference on IKM, with a theme on search. 6-10 November 2017, Singapore.

ER 2017: 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Of interest to members working in the area of modelling search. 6-9 November 2017, Valencia, Spain.

NLPCC 2017: The Sixth Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. Of interest to members working in the area of IR and NLP. 8-12 November 2017, Dalian, China.

ICMI’17: International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Of interest to members working in the area of interactive search. 13-17 November 2017, Glasgow, Scotland.

ICADL 2017/A-LIEP 2017: The International Forum on Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives – Joint conference on 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries and 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice. A conference of interest to members working in the area of digital libraries and search. 13-15 November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.

MSWiM 2017: 20th Annual International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. A conference with several themes of interest to members including mobile search and context. 21-25 November 2017.

AIRS 2017: The Thirteenth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference. A conference with a focus on search in Asia. 22–24 November 2017. Jeju Island, Korea.

OzCHI 2017: Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference. Of interest to members working in the area of HCI and Search. 28 November-1 December 2017, Brisbane, Australia.

GIR’17: 11th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. Of interest to members working on spatio-temporal. 30th November to 1st December 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.

ISM2017: 19th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. Of interest to members working in the area of Multimedia search. 11-13 December 2017, Taichung, Taiwan.

IHCI 2017: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction. Of interest to members working in the area of user interaction and search. 11-13 December 2017, Evry, France.

CLiC-it 2017: Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics. Of interest to members working in the area of NLP and search. 11-13 December, 2017, Rome, Italy.

IEEE Big Data 2017: IEEE International Conference on Big Data. Of interest to members working in the area of big data and search. 11-14 December 2017, Boston, MA, USA.

WSDM 2018: The 11th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. Of interest to members working in the area of web search. 5-9 February 2018, Los Angeles, California, USA.

IUI 2018: 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. Of interest to members working on interfaces for search. 7-11 March 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

CHIIR 2018: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Of interest to members working in the area of user interaction with search. 11-15 March 2018,New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.

ECIR 2018: 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval. The groups annual conference. 26-29 March 2018. Grenoble, France.

Algorithms, Automation and News conference. Of interest to members working in the area of search and news. 22–23 May 2018, Munich, Germany.

SIGIR 2018: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. The major conference on IR research. 8-12 July 2018, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

ISIC 2018: 12th Information Seeking in Context conference. Of interest to members working in the area of interaction and search. 9-11 October 2018, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.

Summer and Autumn Schools

ASSIA 2017: 3rd Asian Summer School in Information Access. A summer school focused on information access of interest to members. 2-5 August 2017, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

NLS 2017: Third Nordic Logic Summer School: Of interest to members working in the area of logic and search, on the theory side of the field. 7-11 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.

RuSSIR 2017: The 11th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval. An annual summer school held in Russia. 21–25 August 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

Keystone Summer School: 3rd Keystone Summer School on Keyword Search in Linked Big Data. Of interest to members working in the area of semantic search. 21-25 August 2017. Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systems, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.

ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems, Of interest to members working in the area of recommender systems. 21-25 August 2017, Bolzano, Italy.

ESSIR 2017: 11th European Summer School in Information Retrieval. A biannual summer schoold in IR. 4-8 September 2017, Barcelona, Spain.;essir-2017and41;.html

ASIRF 2017: Autumn School 2017 for Information Retrieval and Information Foraging. A summer school with a wider focus than just search of interest to members. 1–6 October 2017, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany.

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