Call for nominations to the BCS IRSG Committee

The BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group invites nominations for the following positions:

– Vice-Chair

– Secretary

– Inclusion Officer

– Six ordinary members of the committee

Those elected will serve a two-year term commencing from the 2021 AGM (to held on 24 November 2021 at the conclusion of Search Solutions 2021).

The committee seeks to promote Information Retrieval throughout the world and takes decisions on a number of important matters including the location of ECIR, allocating funds for student travel support, organising other meetings and conferences including Search Solutions, running the Karen Spärck Jones Award and a number of other activities.

The committee normally meets four times per year, usually in London, with most members attending via Video conference.

Nominations should have the written support of a nominator and seconder, and the written confirmation of the person nominated that they wish to stand. The person standing, the nominator and seconder should all be members of the group (if you receive this message you are almost certainly eligible to stand or act as a nominator or seconder). However, note candidates for Chair, Membership Secretary and Treasurer must be professional members of the BCS. Nominations should include a brief biography (one paragraph), and a brief statement of why you wish to stand (one paragraph).  In line with the BCS goals related to diversity and inclusion, we welcome nominations from less represented groups including women and BAME.

Only members of the BCS may vote in the election.

Nominations should be sent by email to the Chair of the Group, Udo Kruschwitz <>, copied in to the Acting Secretary of the Group, Steven Zimmerman <>, and the Vice-Chair, Martin White <>, by 17.00 (UK) on Monday 8th November 2021.

Feel free to contact me with any requests for further information.

Best regards,

Udo Kruschwitz

Chair to the BCS IRSG Committee

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