IRSG web site revisions

The new BCS IRSG web site has been up and running for a couple of months now. The web team at the BCS HQ were a pleasure to work with, and I’d like to thank Simon Curd and Fiona James For their patience and expertise converting my suggestions into the BCS Group template. There are a few pages which need a polish but overall it seems to be working well.

I’d like to draw your attention to the Resources page, which has been completely revised.

You will find

  • Histories of the development of information retrieval
  • A list of over 50 IR journals
  • A glossary of search terms
  • A list of books and blogs on IR and search
  • A list of Twitter addresses that you can use to get started in tracking Tweets

I should emphasis that this is certainly not a definitive list of Twitter addresses, but by looking at the accounts following this core list you can start to build or enhance your own collection.

What is missing is a list of university departments that are teaching IR-related topics. If you are the course director for an IR module or degree course could you send me a link to a relevant web page?

If there there any other resources that you would like to see added to this section please let me know.

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