Relevance management – tips, tricks, techniques and tools

When OpenSource Connections started the Haystack conference in 2018, our intention was to bring the search and relevance community together to share tips, tricks, techniques and tools. Although the talks that year weren’t recorded we swiftly realised that we could share them much more widely on video and we made sure to record all the subsequent Haystack events.  Once the pandemic began our events moved online and with the advent of Zoom, recording talks became even easier. Fast forward a few years and our search events are now hybrid events with both in-person attendance and remote audiences watching live from across the globe – video has become an essential, not a nice-to-have. Many other events that our team speak at are also providing recordings of their talks.

We now have nearly 100 videos of talks linked from our Youtube channel at , covering many different search engine platforms, sectors including enterprise search, media search and e-commerce search, techniques from TF/IDF to vector search and practices including building search teams and search measurement. We’re working on curating these into subject-based playlists to make them even more accessible. Speakers include industry luminaries such as Peter Morville and Ellen Vorhees, startup founders from new search engine companies like Weaviate and Tantivy, search experts from companies including LexisNexis, HomeDepot, Otto Group and EBSCO and of course OpenSource Connections. This collection is building into a fantastic knowledge resource for anyone working in the search and relevance space and we’re very proud to host it as part of our mission to Empower Search Teams.

Charlie Hull UK Director OSC

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