Karen Spärck Jones (KSJ) Award – 2023 timeline for nominations

Professor Jochen Leidner, the current chair of Karen Spärck Jones (KSJ) Award, presented the trophy to the 2022 KSJ award winner, Professor William Wang, who delivered his keynote presentation at ECIR 2023.

Since Jochen has chaired three years of the KSJ Award, and 2022 is the last year of his term I am now the Chair of the Awards Committee for the 2023-2025 period.  You can contact me at h.liu@soton.ac.uk

The call for nominations of KSJ Award 2023 will be out soon. Detailed information about the award and the nomination can also be found on the BCS IRSG KSJ Award page: https://www.bcs.org/membership-and-registrations/member-communities/information-retrieval-specialist-group/awards/karen-spaerck-jones-award/

Since 2020 the Karen Spärck Jones Award started to alternate between ECIR and and the conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics in order to promote integration between the IR and NLP communities in which Karen Spärck Jones played such an active and important role. The 2023 prize award lecture will take place at EACL 2024, the location of which has not yet been confirmed

Timeline for the 2023 Award:

  • 1 September 2023 — closing date for nominations;
  • 8 September 2023 — deadline for support letters;
  • 8 December 2023 — notification of the prize recipient;
  • April 2024 — recipient presents keynote at EACL 2024.

IRSG would like to thank Microsoft Research Cambridge, the generous sponsors of the KSJ Award,


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