Call for Industry Day Proposals at ECIR 2017

This year’s ECIR conference will include an Industry Day, following very successful events at ECIR in recent years. The Industry Day will be held on Thursday 13th April 2017, immediately after the regular conference program.

The Industry Day’s objectives are three-fold. The first objective is to present the state of the art in search and search-related areas, delivered as keynote talks by influential technical leaders from the search industry. The second objective of the Industry Day is the presentation of interesting, novel and innovative ideas related to information retrieval. Finally, a highly-interactive panel session will conclude the day, topic to be announced.

Speakers confirmed so far include:

  • Edgar Meij – Bloomberg
  • Peter Mika – Schibsted
  • Charlie Hull – Flax

Industry authors are invited to prepare proposals for presenting interesting, novel and innovative IR ideas, and submit these by email to the Industrial Day co-chairs. The proposal should contain:

  • Short company portrait (~100 words)
  • Short CV of the presenter(s) (~100 words)
  • Title and abstract of the presentation (~500 words)

When submitting a proposal, please bear in mind the following:

  • Ensure the presentation is relevant to the ECIR audience
  • Try to highlight interesting R&D challenges in the work you present
  • Please do not present a sales pitch

We look forward to receiving your submissions by email (see the email addresses below), and welcoming you to the ECIR 2017 Conference and to the Industry Day.

Important Dates

  • 24 Feb 2017: Industry Day proposals due
  • 03 March 2017: Notification of proposal acceptance
  • 13 April 2017: Industry Day presentations

Industry Day Co-Chairs

  • Udo Kruschwitz, University of Essex (udo AT
  • Tony Russell-Rose, UXLabs, (tgr AT

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